Archbishop Lori Homily

Saturday Octave of Easter 2015 – Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

Introduction Aesop, in one of his fables, give us this memorable phrase: “A man is known by the company he keeps.” People know what kind of persons we are by the friends we make and keep. In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the leaders of the people pegged Peter and John as...
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Friday Octave of Easter 2015 – Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

Introduction This is my first opportunity to say, “Happy Easter!” We are still in the Octave of Easter, the eight-day celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection, with each of the eight days being nearly as good as celebrating Easter itself. The number eight was chosen to extend the celebration a day longer than a week, and...
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Easter Sunday 2015

Introduction Let me begin by saying how happy I am to see all you here this morning. Some of you are here every Sunday, others occasionally; others may be visiting from out-of-town; and some of you might be making your semi-annual visit to church. Whatever your circumstances, you are very welcome not only in this...
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Good Friday 2015

Introduction Msgr. Woy, brother priests, deacons, religious, and seminarians, members of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, parishioners and friends all: Recently Pope Francis announced an Extraordinary Holy Year dedicated to the Mercy of God. “No one,” he said, “can be excluded from God’s mercy,” and he added, “I have frequently thought about how the...
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Holy Thursday 2015

Introduction We have gathered for the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, our evening sacrifice of praise. Even in the magnitude of this Cathedral Church, we find ourselves sharing in the intimacy of the Upper Room where Jesus celebrated the Passover with the Apostles. We share in this intimacy not only because we read about it...
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Catholic Review Column: Holy Week, A Pilgrimage of Faith

A blessed Holy Week, dear readers, to you and those you love. This week, the holiest of the liturgical year and the period in which our Lenten journey culminates with the dramatic death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, appropriately began for me and for many young Catholics in our archdiocese with a pilgrimage through the...
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Chrism Mass 2015

Healing, Hope, and Joy Well, here we are again, gathered together as the Archdiocesan family of faith. Gracing us with their presence are my brother priests and many priests who serve so generously in parishes and other ministries in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Dear brother priests, how much all of us want to thank you...
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Palm Sunday 2015

Palm Sunday seems to turn on a dime, as we used to say. It begins with the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. People are waving palm branches, throwing their cloaks in front of his donkey, and proclaiming, “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes!” In a heartbeat, however, the enthusiastic...
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Youth Pilgrimage 2015

Introduction I have a confession to make: I have a terrible sense of direction. Once, when I was in Rome, I decided to run a few errands and while I was at it I’d visit a few beautiful old churches I had wanted to see. Even though I had been in Rome many times, I...
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Palm Sunday – Youth Pilgrimage 2015

Introduction Dear friends, All day long we have been walking in truth. You who are parishioners at St. Casimir’s may have spent the day going about your weekend errands, dipping into the “job jar”, or engaging in a bit of March madness. Whatever you’ve done today, you’ve done as a disciple of Lord. With the...
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Maryland Day 2015

It is a joy for me to welcome all of you this morning to the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Assumption, our Nation’s first Roman Catholic Cathedral, for the celebration of Maryland Day. I warmly greet and welcome Henry Conley Pitts, Scott Watkins, and all the members of the Society of Colonial Wars...
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5th Sunday of Lent

Introduction First, let me say what a joy it is to be here at St. Joseph’s to celebrate Mass in Spanish with all of you. I ask your pardon for my accent! I’m working on it! What I cannot say well in words, I say with a pastor’s heart: the growth and vitality of the...
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