Archbishop Lori Homily

Consecration to a Life of Virginity Karen Bartos

I. Introduction Father Lacey, Father Bowen, Father McGovern, priests, deacons, Sr. Maria Luz, women and men religious, members of Karen’s family, her friends and co-workers, all dear friends in Christ: Today the Church consecrates Karen Bartos to a life of virginity. As we heard in the reading from the prophet Hosea, God has called Karen...
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Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity

I. Introduction A. I am delighted to comment on the important book of Professors Schindler and Healy on the formation and interpretation of Dignitatis Humanae (DH), Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity (FTHD). In the interest of full disclosure, let me say that this text has been very helpful to me in preparing talks leading up...
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Advent Day of Recollection

Introduction First, thanks for being here for an evening of prayer and reflection as we enter upon the Season of Advent, a new liturgical year, and, of course, the Jubilee of Mercy which Pope Francis proclaimed last April. In the spirit of the season, I would like to propose that we structure our time together...
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St. Andrew Dung-Lac & Companions: Catholic Center Retreat Day Mass

Introduction Much as you would like to have a lengthy homily this afternoon, I’m afraid I will be unable to accommodate your wishes! Please offer it up! I would like to say a word about the feast, about the readings, and about what both can mean for us in our service to the Church. St....
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Feast of Christ the King: Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting

Introduction What a pleasure to celebrate the beautiful feast of Christ the King with all of you, the family of the Knights of Columbus. For our knighthood is at the service of Jesus Christ, our great King and Shepherd, and our gallant service seeks to advance not an earthly kingdom but rather a kingdom “not...
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Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting

Introduction This evening we celebrate a feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary near and dear to the Society of San Sulpice and to this Seminary, namely, the Feast of Mary’s Presentation in the Temple. And it is a beautiful feast which illumines our Christian imagination: that wonderful and grace-filled moment when Saints Joachim and...
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One in Truth; One in Trust; One in Action

Introduction I am very happy to be with you this morning at this Sunday worship service here at Bethel A-M-E. I offer my heartfelt thanks to your pastor, Rev. Dr. Frank Reid, III for so kindly inviting me to worship with you today and for the privilege of sharing the pulpit from which he preaches...
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Feast of All Saints 2015

Introduction It is a joy to visit with you this evening and to celebrate the Vigil of All Saints’ Day. I’ve been going from parish to parish for Saturday evening or Sunday Mass but it has taken a lot longer than I ever imagined. So I’m happy to be here at long last! I am...
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Mass of Thanksgiving on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination of William Cardinal Keeler, 14th Archbishop of Baltimore

It is my pleasure to be with you today as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of Cardinal Keeler’s ordination to the priesthood. In a special way I would like to thank the Little Sisters of the Poor, who so lovingly and faithfully care for our beloved Cardinal, and the members of the Cardinal’s family who...
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Red Mass 2015

Introduction: The Work of Catholic Charities It is a joy for me to welcome you to the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen for the annual Red Mass of the St. Thomas More Society. I am also delighted that later this evening, the St. Thomas More Society will honor Bill McCarthy the Executive Director of Catholic Charities,...
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Feasts of Saints Simon and Jude

We have gathered this morning on the feast of Saints Simon and Jude. In the Gospel just proclaimed, Jesus went up the mountain to pray and there, through the night, was absorbed in prayer. Afterwards, he chose twelve of his disciples to be Apostles, among them, “Simon who was called a Zealot” and “Judas the...
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Blessing of New Portico and Doors

Introduction First, let me say what a joy it is to be with all of you this morning. As you know, I am visiting each parish in the Archdiocese for the celebration of Sunday Mass and in hopes of meeting as many parishioners as I can. The blessings of the new portico and doors here...
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