Archbishop Lori Homily

Holy Saturday Vigil 2016

I. Introduction A. This night, a tiny, flickering light entered this Cathedral church. The deacon proclaimed three times, “Christ our light!” and gradually the light spread from person to person until its glow enveloped the whole Cathedral. And with the Church throughout the world, we gave thanks for the light that fills the dark night...
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Good Friday 2016

I. Introduction A. Shortly after I was ordained, the Pastor of my first parish asked me to go to the hospital to visit an ailing parishioner. “Did they teach you how to do this in seminary?” my Pastor asked dubiously. And with all the confidence of my youth, I replied in the affirmative. And so,...
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Holy Thursday 2016

I. Introduction A. For nearly 18 years, I worked on a daily basis with James Cardinal Hickey, formerly the Archbishop of Washington. After he retired and I was serving as Bishop of Bridgeport, I regularly visited the Cardinal, my mentor and my friend. We had conversed and dined together on countless occasions but as his...
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Wednesday in Holy Week

I. Introduction A. Well, dear sisters and dear friends, it’s been quite the day. If you attended the oral arguments in the chambers of the Supreme Court, you heard high level argumentation and questioning. For those of us who are non-lawyers, it is glimpse at the complexities of the law. I can only imagine the...
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Chrism Mass 2016

I. Introduction: A Year of Favor from the Lord A. When people have lost their way or feel downtrodden, they look for a word of encouragement. They seek something or someone they can put their hopes in. So it was that, as the people of Israel were nearing the end of their exile in Babylon,...
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Palm Sunday 2016

I. Introduction: A Royal Entrance A. We have just celebrated the entry of Jesus in Jerusalem. He arrives on a donkey to the acclaim of many people. And while a donkey strikes us as a humble animal, Jesus makes an important claim by entering Jerusalem on a donkey as yet unridden. It is a signal...
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5th Sunday of Lent C, St. Patrick Day Mass

I. Introduction When he announced the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis also asked bishops and religious superiors to nominate priests whom he could commission as “missionaries of mercy” – priests who are good confessors, good preachers of the message of mercy who could travel the globe proclaiming the mercies of the Lord. On Ash Wednesday,...
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Friday, 4th Week in Lent

I. Introduction I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to open these plastic containers in which things like razor blades are packaged. They are sealed very tight and it’s hard to find an opening. What’s more, the sharp edges on the hard plastic cuts my fingers. I mention this not to elicit...
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Father-Son Communion Breakfast

I. Introduction A. Thanks very much for inviting me to take part in this long tradition of a father-son communion breakfast. More than a few alumni of Loyola Blakefield have told me that this is one of the traditions they remember and value most of all – They were influenced the example of their fathers’...
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Saturday Third Week of Lent- Catholic Men’s Fellowship Conference

I. Introduction A. I want to begin by thanking Father DeAscanis and his staff here at St. Philip Neri Parish for hosting our Catholic Men’s Fellowship Annual Conference! We appreciate the support and leadership you give to this ministry! B. I also want to join with you in thanking Charlie Hawkins and the entire leadership...
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2nd Week of Lent- Offsite Staff Meeting

A. In these days we are focusing not merely on a project but rather on how we collaborate to carry forward evangelization-based parish & school planning. We are aiming not merely to reduce the number of outlets or mere to place them where our “customers” are – instead we are seeking to rebuild, renovate, and...
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3rd Sunday of Lent C- St. Thomas Aquinas

Introduction Years ago, I served as the priest-secretary to Cardinal Hickey who was formerly the Archbishop of Washington. As a result, I often accompanied His Eminence to Rome. More often than not the Cardinal would be invited to concelebrate an early morning Mass in the private chapel of the Pope. Happily, that also meant that...
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