I. Accessibility: Is God Accessible? Sometimes I think accessibility is the name of the game. You can’t construct a new building without making it accessible to one and all. When we need a ride, we expect an Uber car to pick us up in a matter of minutes. When we go on the internet or...Read More
I. Introduction A. It is a joy to be with all of you so near to the feast of Christmas and on this joyful occasion of the installation of Fr. Collin Postin as your pastor. Thank you for warmly welcoming him as he began his pastoral service here at St. Anthony’s and at Our Lady...Read More
I. Introduction A. Many years ago, when I was a newly ordained and inexperienced priest, I visited a parishioner in the hospital. She was suffering terribly, and to tell you the truth, I was lost for words. I think I stammered something about trying to find God in the midst of her suffering as I...Read More
I. “Are You the One Who Is To Come?” A. From time to time, we may find ourselves alone, even isolated, perhaps cooped up at home or hospitalized. When we are alone and isolated for long periods, so many thoughts and emotions crowd in upon our minds and hearts. Questions come into our minds, questions...Read More
I. A Sketch of His Life A. This morning, we commend to the Lord of life and love a good and faithful priest, Father Casimir Melvin Peterson. We also give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the many gifts of nature and grace which Father Peterson was endowed and for his dedicated priestly ministry in...Read More
I. Introduction A. On May 10th, 1846, Archbishop Samuel Eccleston, the 5th Archbishop of Baltimore, gathered with twenty-two bishops of the United States here at this Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady. Together they celebrated the opening Mass of the 6th Provincial Council of Baltimore, one in a series of 19th century councils that...Read More
Many, if not most of you, have negotiated with Bill McCarthy. So you know that he is a tough negotiator. This morning I negotiated with Bill about the content of my talk. I was rightly afraid he’d steal what little thunder I have by recognizing Bishop-elect Parker and I’d be left without an applause line....Read More
I. Introduction A. What a pleasure to be with all of you this evening to spend a little time together during this season of Advent to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord. I’ve had the privilege of being with a number of you for breakfast – the Catholic Charities Leadership Breakfast at...Read More
I. Introduction Gathered together for this Birthday Celebration Mass for Helen in this chapel, so beautifully restored in honor and in memory of her parents, I wish to greet first Msgr. Rick Woy, Rector of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, together with the President of the University of Notre Dame in Maryland, Dr. Mary...Read More
I. Introduction A. Some 63 years ago today, President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open car through the streets of Dallas. If you are of a certain age you remember where you were and what you were doing on that fateful day when Walter Cronkite informed the nation of this tragedy. I was...Read More
I. Introduction A. This morning, in Rome, Pope Francis concluded the Year of Mercy; here in Orlando, in closest union with the Successor of Peter, we, the family of the Knights of Columbus, also conclude the Year of Mercy. B. We do so with deep gratitude to God, the Father of Mercies, for the many...Read More
I. Introduction: Queen of Mercy A. Tomorrow we shall celebrate the Feast of Christ the King…Jesus our merciful King. We shall celebrate how, through the Blood of the Cross, mercy triumphed over sin and life triumphed over death. And we shall pay our homage to the Lord and King of heaven and earth. B. In...Read More