God’s Son became one of us and died on the Cross to restore our relationship to the Father, undermined by sin. And, as Pope Francis teaches, “From the immense gift of love which is Jesus’ death on the Cross, the Holy Spirit has been poured out on humanity like a vast torrent of grace.”Read More
Through the Spirit, we share in the unique Son-ship of Christ and for that reason we claim God as our Father and as members of his family, the Church, we experience his goodness and mercy –the fullness of life and love for which our human spirit longs.Read More
The Risen Lord is sending us on mission, a mission of evangelization. Even if we don’t feel quite prepared for it, not quite properly formed, doubtful about our chances of success, hesitant to engage others about the faith, the Lord is telling us, as he told the Apostles, “You will be my witnesses . ....Read More
As deacons, and later, God willing, as priests, I urge to build on what you’ve been given. Ensure that every day includes Holy Mass, the Breviary, a Holy Hour, and the Rosary. Punctuate your day with prayer, with meditation, and with praise.Read More
I think I can also safely say that a happy priesthood is like a happy marriage. There are ups and downs but mostly there is happiness in living this vocation.Read More
Believe, dear graduates, not only that the Lord loves you and that he is seeking your friendship in return for his; but believe also that the Lord has something in mind for you, some definite plan for your life, some mission, some work for you to do.Read More
Believe, dear graduates, not only that the Lord loves you and that he is seeking your friendship in return for his; but believe also that the Lord has something in mind for you, some definite plan for your life, some mission, some work for you to do.Read More
By remaining in the Lord’s love, we grow in our capacity to love others not merely as we love ourselves but rather as Christ has loved them – with an utterly generous, sacrificial love.Read More
The victory which Larry sought throughout his long and accomplished life was not only to enter the halls of government but indeed to enter the halls of heaven where the saints rejoice forever in the presence of the Triune God.Read More