Archbishop Lori Homily

Saturday 4th Week Year 1; Optional BVM Mass; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

I. Introduction A. A few years ago, in his Easter Vigil homily, Pope Francis invited all of us to return to Galilee – that is to say, to our first encounter with Jesus, to that time when our faith was young, to that place in our life when we were first conscious of our calling...
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Friday 4th Week Year 1; Optional Memorial of St. Blaise; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

I. Introduction A. Perhaps it is only coincidental that the Gospel episode of John’s beheading and the blessing of throats on the feast of St Blaise occur on the same day! In any event, at the end of Mass I will offer the traditional throat blessing asking God the Father to keep us in good...
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Monday 4th Week Year 1; Catholic Schools Week; Mt. De Sales Academy

I. A Little of the Devil A. I don’t want to upset anyone during Catholic Schools Week, but I have to tell you that my Catholic elementary school career was not so good. In other words, I got into a lot of trouble. One day, when Sister Mary Janet left her classroom for but a...
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4th Sunday, Year A; Red Mass; Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston; Cathedral of St. Joseph

I. Introduction A. It would be an understatement to say that we live in tumultuous times. To state the obvious, our nation is divided. Politics is always a rough sport but it is hard to remember a time when political rhetoric was so raw and personal. We live in a society where the humanity of...
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3rd Sunday A; Celebration of Life: Blessing and Sending of Pro-Life Marchers

I. Introduction A. What a joy to see all of you, especially so many young people, gathered in this Basilica, the first Cathedral in these United States, for this Mass in which we celebrate and give thanks to God for the gift of life. You come from parishes and schools throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore...
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Funeral Homily for Filomena Marino Capobianco

I. Introduction A. First, a word of sympathy and love to Filomena’s family as we commend her to the Lord of life and love. Tears of mourning, tears of longing for one so loved as she well up in our hearts but do not cloud the vision of faith so central to her life. So...
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3rd Sunday A; Anniversaries of St. Francis de Sales, Abingdon

I. Introduction A. Father Ward, Father Wible, brother deacons, and dear parishioners: what a pleasure to be with you this afternoon and to offer Holy Mass as you bring to a conclusion a year-long celebration of a trifecta of anniversaries: the 150th anniversary of the Stone Chapel; the 50th anniversary of the parish of St....
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Episcopal Ordination of Bishops Parker and Brennan

I. Introduction A. What a day of joy and grace for the Archdiocese of Baltimore as we ordain two Auxiliary Bishops, Bishop Parker and Bishop Brennan. Archbishop Pierre, please convey to Pope Francis the deep gratitude of this entire community of faith for his pastoral love in appointing these bishops for service to this local...
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Funeral Homily for David Modell

I. Introduction A. Michel, let me express the love and sympathy of everyone here and across the entire greater Baltimore community and far beyond as we bid farewell to your beloved husband, David. What a grace that you and David were able to travel to Rome this past fall, there to renew your commitment of...
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Faith, Sexuality, and the Meaning of Freedom; Remarks, Panel Discussion: The Demands of Faith

I. Meaning of the Word “Demands” A. Warmest thanks for the opportunity to be part of the broader discussion on faith, sexuality, and the meaning of freedom. At the moment we are focusing on one aspect of that discussion, namely, the “demands” of faith in a dynamic cultural setting. B. A clarification of the word...
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Epiphany 2017

I. Introduction A. A few years ago, when I served as Bishop of Bridgeport, Connecticut, I celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany in a large multi-cultural parish. St. Peter’s on Colorado Avenue was predominately Spanish-speaking, with parishioners from Mexico as well as Central and South America. There were also parishioners from various countries in Africa...
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Saturday before Epiphany; Discernment Retreat

I. Introduction A. Dear brother priests, dear sisters, dear friends and discerners: I’m glad to join all of you who are making this discernment retreat and to offer Holy Mass with and for you during these days when, in a very special way, you seek the will of God in your lives. In particular, I...
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