Dear friends, how grateful we should be for the example of these two saints who teach us two qualities of missionary discipleship found in our Scripture readings: namely, forgiveness and self-giving love, two qualities all of us need if we would be ardent Christians on fire with love for Jesus.Read More
Today, both the Scripture readings and the Feast Day give us much to think about and much to pray about, as we reflect on your calling to serve the Church as deacons as well as the ways spouses and families share in and are affected by this ministry. Let us spend a moment “unpacking” some...Read More
There is no panacea, no magic cure, for anger, vengeance, and hardness of heart. Rather, we must daily open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and ask that we might grow in the virtues that Jesus exemplified in his own life, especially his temperance, his patience, and his kindness towards others.Read More
The cancelation of DACA is not only an immigration issue, but it is also a moral issue. As Catholics and people of faith, we are called to defend life at every stage, and the lives of these young people are being unnecessarily being put at risk by the threat of deportation and separation from the...Read More
Fraternal correction means a brother admonishing a brother – or more broadly, a follower of Jesus reproving, correcting, a fellow disciple. Another definition is “[the] admonishing [of] one’s neighbor by a private individual for the purpose of reforming him or her, and if possible, preventing his or her sinful indulgence” (Old Catholic Encyclopedia, courtesy of...Read More
It is a great joy to bless and dedicate this extraordinary structure, set apart for the worship of God, the vital center and core of Church of the Nativity. As we look about and take in the design of this Church, at once contemporary and traditional, let us first give thanks to God, the giver...Read More
Here at Archbishop Spalding you have the opportunity to develop your talents. It’s a place where they don’t just hand you a fish, they teach you how to fish. You are challenged, taught, and formed to develop your God-given talents and to put them to the test – in the classroom, in this auditorium, on...Read More
Paul tells us that when we look upon the Crucifix, we must undergo a profound change of mind and heart. Self-giving love isn’t merely a nice idea that we easily adopt. It requires of us resolve not to conform ourselves with this age – not to go along to get along, but rather to transformed...Read More
Not surprisingly, studies show that Catholic schools make a profound difference in the faith-lives of students. Many of the young people who practice their faith, get involved in the Church’s life, help to serve the poor and the needy, and embrace a priestly or religious vocation – many of them are young people you have...Read More
At heart, Jesus accuses the scribes and Pharisees of insincerity and hypocrisy. They are using religion as a means of puffing themselves up, as a means of attaining authority, respect, and prosperity. In the process, they are perverting the understanding of the law – the Torah – which is not merely an interminable list of...Read More
As you recall, that reading pertains to the last leg of the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt, through the desert, and into the promised land, that land flowing with milk and honey. We see how once again God parted the waters so that the Ark of the Covenant, borne by the priests, could precede the...Read More
Dear friends, in the mystery of the Transfiguration, the humanity of Jesus shone with the glory of God. In that moment, it was revealed that Jesus’ humanity was the original sacrament of his divinity. In fact, the sacraments of the Church are patterned on the Transfiguration.Read More