Archbishop Lori Homily

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Solemnity of Christ the King

What does it mean to reign with Jesus? It means to live and love like Jesus while we are still here on earth. This is the message of our Gospel today.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Senior Leadership Retreat Day

This morning we celebrate a beautiful feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary namely, the Feast of Mary’s Presentation in the Temple. It is an event which illumines our Christian imagination: that wonderful and grace-filled moment when Saints Joachim and Anne presented their daughter, Mary, in the Temple.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Mass for Deceased Priests

As we continue to ply our ministries, we stand on their shoulders. They have left us not only with a storehouse of anecdotes and stories but more importantly they have left us with foundations upon which to build as we look to a future full of hope.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting

When Pope Francis urges you and me to become missionary disciples who bring the faith to the peripheries of unbelief and human suffering, he is urging us to throw off the caution of the wicked and lazy servant, and instead invest our time and talent in spreading the Word of God confident that in the...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting, Chaplain’s Remarks

As we approach the end of the year, let us take stock of our blessings. Our fraternity in Christ is one of the greatest gifts and blessings in our lives and so we should never let a day go by without thanking God and asking for the grace to strengthen our fraternity as also to...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Friday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time; Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting

When we are afflicted and God does not seem to answer our prayers, we do well humbly to admit that we may not know what to pray for but let us also be consoled by the thought that God never forgets us.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time; St. Katharine Drexel/Christ the King Parish

As we look toward the future, let us take heart. Let us be grateful that we are brothers and sisters in Christ living and working together in the Church under the provident eye of our loving Father, and daily enlivened in our faith by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit whose grace we receive in the...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Red Mass, Diocese of Kansas City

We are indebted to those Jesuit priests, many of whose names are lost to history, and we are also obligated to follow in their footsteps. For regaining confidence in human reason for unchanging moral truth and buttressing it with the light of biblical revelation are crucial to a future full of hope and peace, for...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By opening our hearts to the Word of God, by taking part in the Mass and the Sacraments, we share, a real and deeply personal way, in the love that prompted God the Father to send us his only Son for the forgiveness of our sins.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Vigil Service and Promotions; Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy

As baptized Catholics, we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus. But we are also Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre. This means that we are called upon to be strong, virtuous, and courageous in our defense of the faith and charity toward those in need, and in our mission to foster the...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

If everything, including our very lives, belongs to God, what’s left for Caesar? Do we grudgingly pay our taxes, vote periodically for the lesser of two evils, and separate plastic from paper when taking out the trash? Or might there be something more we can contribute to government and society?
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Saturday of the 28th Week of Ordinary Time; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

As we grow in prayer and holiness, something truly wonderful happens. We become those servants who are at once clever and wise who know when to speak, what to say, and how to say it – in ways that will enable the Lord’s message to be heard.
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