Archbishop Lori Homily

Archbishop Lori’s Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent; Mass for Baltimore Police Force

Clearly, enacting just laws is not enough. Nor is it enough to cajole and even force people to be law abiding, as important and necessary as that can be for the sake of public safety. Something more is needed and it’s this: all of us, myself included, need to have the temple of our hearts...
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Archbishop Lori’s Remarks – Opening Remarks; Social Ministry Convocation

Dr. King’s principles in fact take us to the heart of the Gospel and at the same time to the heart of our own social teaching. They are aimed at the conversion of our hearts not as a head trip but rather as an impetus for action – as a way of resisting injustice peacefully...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Saturday 2nd Week of Lent; Mass for Consecrated Life

Like the saints of Baltimore and like St. Katharine Drexel, you, our jubilarians, have set your sights not on earthly power, money, pleasure, or success – but rather on the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Mercy, which Jesus came to inaugurate in our midst.
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Archbishop Lori’s Talk – Malta Lenten Day of Recollection

Any day is a good day for a profound conversion of mind and heart – but I would submit that the Lord, through the Church, gives us the season of Lent so that we might dig deeper into those layers of clay and rock, those sins and sinful attitudes, even those that remain hidden from...
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Archbishop Lori’s Sermon – Ecumenical Service, Morgan State University

All that we have comes from God has his gift to us. Let us then give thanks to those who gone before us in faith, resolving that we will live the faith they exemplified in our day, in our time, in our communities for the glory of God and for good of others.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Rite of Election 2018

We give thanks that Spirit of God has touched your hearts. I warmly thank your sponsors even as I ask them to model what it means to follow Christ as members of the Church.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – On the Recent Pastoral Letter and Racism; 1st Sunday of Lent

Years ago, the Second Vatican Council taught that “the future of humanity lies in the hands of those who are strong enough to provide coming generations with reason for living and hoping.”
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Archbishop Lori’s Talk – Reflections on Nostra Aetate; Chevrei Tzedek Synagogue

Inspired by Nostra Aetate, I’d like to say a word about our local situation. We just concluded one of the most violent years in the Baltimore’s history and we are all keenly aware of the heartrending problems that beset our city.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Friday after Ash Wednesday

During these days of the Mid-Atlantic Congress, I hope you are being inspired, energized, encouraged, and informed by the speakers, workshops, interactions with peers, dialogues and discussions, and an amazing array of publications and resources.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Ash Wednesday 2018

This year Ash Wednesday has a lot of competition. One is the Winter Olympics and the other is, of course, Valentine’s Day. In fact, a parishioner said to me, “You’re out of luck this year,” Archbishop! I don’t think many people will pay attention to Ash Wednesday. The competition’s just too stiff.”
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

Having touched our lives with the joy of the Gospel, Jesus invites us, as he invited the apostles, to join him in his missionary journeys. As followers of Jesus, as members of the Church, as members of our beloved Order, we are called to work side-by-side with the Church’s pastors – in seeking to spread...
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily – Feast of St. Blaise; Knights of Columbus Board Meeting

Our deeds of service may indeed open the hearts of others to Christ and the Church and surely we should aim to do just that in all our charities. Yet, there is something deeper – when we’re giving coats to inner-city kids, we’re offering them also the love, affection, and respect of Jesus for the...
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