Archbishop Lori Homily

Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Pentecost Sunday 2018; Archdiocesan Confirmation

Jesus sends us forth! After the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles, they didn’t stay in the Upper Room. They didn’t say, “Let’s form a study club” or “Let’s issue a newsletter”. No, they went right out the door and started bearing witness to the Gospel.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Pentecost Sunday 2018

Let’s turn now to the great feast we celebrate, the coming of the Holy Spirit, by reminding ourselves of an experience that we’ve all had at one time or another, and it’s this: we have to write an essay or a report and we just can’t get started.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Feast of St. Matthias

It was forty-one years ago today, at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington, that I was ordained to the priesthood by His Eminence, William Cardinal Baum. What a joy to celebrate this anniversary here, in our nation’s first seminary.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Aquinas College Baccalaureate Mass

Life is not merely about ourselves. You exist because in some specific way God is calling you to proclaim the Gospel and to build up the Kingdom of God in this world.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Order of Malta Lourdes Pilgrimage, Opening Mass

(Ss. Philip and James) suffered in union with Christ and in that way bore witness to Jesus and his saving love for the whole of humanity.
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Building the House of Freedom

You (the members of the National Diocesan Attorneys Association) help the Church to engage with integrity in its mission of service to the poor, in short, to engage in “a charity that evangelizes”— and to participate with full freedom in public square.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 5th Sunday of Easter, St. Ignatius Parish, Ijamsville

To the Church as a whole, the Lord says, “Without me you can do nothing!” But united to Christ, the Church bears much good fruit, namely, the works of love!
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: Golden Jubilee of the Religious Consecration of Sister Lawrence Mary of Jesus, ISP

We’ve gathered as a family of faith to celebrate in this Eucharistic Liturgy the Golden Jubilee of the Religious Consecration of Sr. Lawrence Mary of Jesus, better known to us all as “Sister Lawrence”.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 3rd Sunday of Easter, Saints Philip and James

Just as the Apostles struggled to make this message their own and finally, in the power of the Holy Spirit, truly opened their hearts to Jesus, so too in prayer we need to invite the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts, to open them ever more widely to the message of salvation in Jesus.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: 150th Anniversary, St. Joseph Eldersburg

The beautiful and joyous season of Easter is filled with message of salvation. Again and again the Church proclaims the good news that Christ died for our sins and rose for our salvation.
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Archbishop Lori’s Homily: American Catholic Historical Association

History reflects humanity, as you know better than I, and as followers of Christ and members of his Body, the Church, we are aware our humanity stands in need of redemption.
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Archbishop Lori’s Remarks: Interfaith Prayer Service on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We all know why we are here tonight: to remember that tragic day 50 years ago when we lost one of the great leaders our nation has ever produced: Dr. Martin Luther King. And though we come together on this anniversary of his death, it is his life and his legacy that we come together...
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