Presuming there is good soil in our hearts and that we are tending it, the seed of faith planted there in Baptism grows slowly, according to the design of God’s grace and mercy, and sometimes, without our realizing it.Read More
Believe it or not, dear friends, you and I are also called to be “a walking sermon”. Or, as the Second Vatican Council put it, we are to be “traveling messengers of Christ.” Now, the Council’s words, “travelling messengers of Christ”, were not directed only to members of the clergy, or to our heroic missionaries...Read More
When we mediate on this beautiful passage in the Gospel, we can only marvel at how much God loves us. For at this very moment we find ourselves, not at the wedding feast of Cana but at Mass in which we celebrate anew the marriage covenant between God and his People, the Church, of which we...Read More
To say the least, Jesus’ choice of a tax collector was controversial. The religious experts of the day made it clear that Jesus had chosen a sinner, and more than that, had come to the house of a sinner for dinner where he shared the company of other sinners. Challenged by the Pharisees, Jesus simply...Read More
Whether we like it or not, we are undergoing a baptism of fire. These days the Church and its leadership are under intense scrutiny and even if some of the initial anger of our parishioners has cooled, you and I know that it smolders just beneath the surface.Read More
This is why Jesus was plunged into the waters of the Jordan: not because he needed to be saved from sin but rather to save us from our sins; to redeem us from the disfigurement that sin inflicts upon our souls; and to clothe our humanity with the glorious mantle of immorality and divine life.Read More
Even in the most difficult and depressing situations, the light of Christ will shine in us and through us onto the darkness. Then we will become a light to others and a light to our world.Read More
Yes, it has been quite a year, and indeed a difficult year on so many fronts, but as we peer into the crèche and gaze upon the radiant face of the Christ-Child, receiving the Lord into our hearts today and at Christmas, may our eyes of faith see the hope of a new beginning for...Read More
Let us not underestimate how many are awaiting our word of consent. So many who are waiting to hear the Good News of salvation. So many who are waiting to be reconciled to God and to the Church. So many who await a word of compassion and the restoration of their dignity. So many who await a word of...Read More
This evening, I simply want to say, ‘thank you’ – from the bottom of my heart. I want to thank you, the parents, the grandparents, the siblings, lay friends & priests who support and sustain these seminarians of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and this at a very challenging and difficult time in the life of...Read More
For, amid all the bustle, Gaudete Sunday tells us why and how to rejoice at Christmas. In doing so, the Church doesn’t roll out Santa Claus, it doesn’t tout expensive gifts, and it doesn’t enlist the help of glamorous celebrities to get the message across.Read More
Robert, let us regard this joyous day of priestly ordination not as the evening of your life but rather the dawn of a life of priestly service. The reason you requested that this particular Gospel be read at your ordination was precisely because your desire to tend the Lord’s flock, the People of God, to nourish them...Read More