The point of being confirmed is that in the power of the Spirit, the “gap” between you and Jesus can be closed, such that the Risen Lord will live in you more completely, and if you allow him to do so, the Spirit will enable you, not only to speak and act like Christ, but...Read More
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may we open our hearts anew to discover ever more deeply and enthusiastically the spiritual brilliance and holiness of our Founder, the Ven. Fr. Michael McGivney.Read More
If we were to recite the Litany of the Sacred Heart we would address the Savior’s open and loving heart as “the abyss of all virtues”. The word “abyss” doesn’t mean a chasm into which good things disappear, but rather the bottomless source of every virtue, both human and Christian: the theological virtues: faith, hope,...Read More
We are aiming at a profound change that will make us true to who we are and at the same time responsive to the world pastoral need that is out there.Read More
The Scripture readings for today’s Ordination speak to us of our need for shepherds— shepherds who are sound, competent, and holy, after the mind and heart of Christ. We need shepherds to lead and guide us in responding to our call to holiness, to help us live as the Lord’s disciples in the Church and...Read More
The same Lord who appears in the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Lamb who was slain for our salvation, the Victor seated at the Father’s right hand, the Lord of lords and the King of kings and the Lover of our souls – it is he who dwells within us as in a temple, who dwells within...Read More
The same Lord who appears in the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Lamb who was slain for our salvation, the Victor seated at the Father’s right hand, the Lord of lords and the King of kings and the Lover of our souls – it is he who dwells within us as in a temple, who dwells within...Read More
All dear friends gathered for this diaconal ordination: Today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles describes how, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and after consultation with the community, the Apostles discerned that they should appoint and ordain co-workers to assist them in the daily distribution of food and other necessitiesRead More
When life is difficult, as it often is, Jesus walks with us, protects us, and cares for us. He wipes the tears from our eyes and whispers to our hearts words of encouragement. And he will provide for our needs, even when prospects seem dim.Read More
On this Saturday afternoon we turn to Mary, who first brought Christ to the world. May Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, lead us to Jesus for it only her Son who has the words of everlasting life.Read More
In the seminary, much attention is given to your spiritual formation. As deacons, and later, God willing, as priests, I urge to build on what you’ve been given.Read More
Every year, when this Mass is celebrated, I mention the fact that the name of your organization, “Legatus” means “ambassador”. Indeed the word originated in ancient Rome and referred to a legate who was appointed by the Roman Senate and sent on mission to foreign lands.Read More