The human memory is a wonderful thing. It enables us not only to recall names and faces and pertinent information, but also to remember the persons and events that we regard as important, if not crucial, for the course our lives have taken.Read More
Just as Mary had conceived the her divine Son in the power of the Spirit and walked with him, even if from afar, as his first and best disciple, so now Mary accompanies the Apostles to the Upper Room where the mission of the Church to spread the Gospel will be quickened by the Spirit...Read More
From prayer, good preaching, and joyful celebration of the Sacraments the mission of the Church is takes on strength – not mere human energy but the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.Read More
This evening, we share a further cause for special gratitude to God as in this liturgy we experience the beautiful expressions of faith of the Laguna tribe.Read More
Today we celebrate the feast of St. John XXIII, the endearing “interim” Pope, who was supposed to give the Church a ‘breather’ but instead, by deciding to convoke the II Vatican Council, opened the way for the Holy Spirit to breathe anew upon the Church so as to bring about an authentic renewal of the...Read More
Amid the din and clamor of our times, may you hear each day the call of the Holy Spirit to place yourselves at the service of your God, your Church, and your fellow citizens. Read More
Perhaps our angels are not as famous as Gabriel nor even as famous as the angel Clarence in Frank Capra’s movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. Nonetheless, our angels are attending us, just as surely as they attended Jesus, and they are delivering to your minds and hearts a message from God, a message of audacious...Read More
When we do stand before Christ, we will be asked, like the manager in today’s Gospel, “to give an account of our stewardship”, that is to say, to account for how we used our time, our talents, our treasure, and most of all, how we used the many gifts and graces that the Holy Spirit...Read More
First, let me say how happy I am to be among you and to have the opportunity first and foremost to thank you for your ministry, to thank you, the wives and your families, for sharing in this ministry of diakonia, and to offer a few reflections before taking time for your observations and questions. Read More
In words set before us in today’s liturgy, let us beg the intercession of St. Matthew as we seek to deepen our faith and prepare ourselves for the New Evangelization: O God, who with untold mercy were pleased to choose as an Apostle Saint Matthew, the tax collector, grant that, sustained by his example and...Read More
You will find here heroic goodness even in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods. You will discover here a wealth of history and culture and neighborhoods that are flourishing with young people and new life.Read More