People give their lives to many things that let them down and let them down badly. By contrast, the Lord is inviting you to a friendship that will last forever, a friendship with himself and with all those he has redeemed in his love.Read More
The reading from the Acts of the Apostles recounts the conversion of St. Paul. Saul, as he was formerly known, had been persecuting the followers of Christ.Read More
Let me begin with my heartfelt congratulations to the parish community of St. John the Evangelist Parish here in Long Green Valley, as you celebrate your bicentennial anniversary.Read More
We must allow the Risen Lord and his Spirit to open our minds to understand Scripture, such that we no longer take our faith for granted but rather journey with the Apostles from fear, to joyful incredulity, to full-fledged, joyful, infectious faith in the Risen Lord.Read More
If we love God, we will reject idols; we will not use his name in vain; and, we will be sure to keep the Sabbath holy, i.e., to take part in Sunday Mass. If we love our neighbor, we will respect our parents; treat others with respect; refuse to lie, cheat, or steal; and put...Read More
On this feast of his Resurrection, he asks only to encounter us, to speak to us in love, and to remove the stone from our hearts . . . so that, at long last, we emerge from our self-built tombs, stand up straight, and lift our eyes to heaven, for in the Risen Lord our...Read More
Is, then, the Cross, a sign of life or of death? Does it speak of sin or forgiveness? Despair or hope? Is it gruesome or consoling? . . . It is all of these, for any notion of redemption that does not encompass the whole of our humanity does not do justice to the goodness...Read More
The Eucharist, the celebration of the Holy Mass, is not merely a nice ritual, something we can take part in when we feel like it, or when we feel the need for it. Rather, it is utterly fundamental to our lives as Catholic Christians.Read More
Like your neighbors in Baltimore City and the 9 counties that make up our local church, you have weathered a most difficult year, a year unlike any other in recent memory.Read More
Come, let us walk throughout this Week called Holy with the Lord in a triumphal procession that will bring us to the Upper Room for the Last Supper, and all along the way of the Cross that leads to that moment at the center of history when, for our salvation, Christ our King conquered sin...Read More
Fr. Phil expressed this longing for God in his daily prayer, especially the Divine Office, the recitation of the Rosary, and his devotion to the Eucharist.Read More
A heart that is contrite, a heart that is reconciled, a heart that is renewed – this is the heart that will share fully in Jesus’ hour, this is the heart that will take up its cross and bear the good fruit of the Gospel, this is the heart that will rejoice at Easter with...Read More