I am happy to return to St. Mary’s Parish, albeit belatedly, on this occasion to celebrate with all of you the Solemnity of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in this joyful setting, to celebrate with you the 50th anniversary of the priestly ordination of...Read More
In these days when the Church ministers in an increasingly secular and hostile world, we do well to attend to the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our Church.Read More
Over these past few days, I have had the joy and privilege of visiting with you, dear brothers, and with your wives, as we prepared for this Ordination.Read More
It is a pleasure to welcome you once again to the Basilica of the Assumption, first, because we can once again be together, worshipping in person, and second, because this is a special moment in the history of this Basilica.Read More
In these days leading up to Pentecost and in these beautiful days of May, our minds and hearts turn to the presence among us of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Read More
Encountering you, others are to encounter the Christ who came, not be served but to serve. Encountering you, others are to encounter the Church, the Church that is called out of the darkness of sin and death into the lightsome realm of God’s Kingdom where those who serve are greater than those who are served.Read More
I am delighted to return to Our Lady of Victory for the installation of Father Bill Keown as your pastor. During this past year, dear friends, you have witnessed his priestly dedication, his enthusiasm for the mission, his vision, and his energy.Read More
God created the world not because he needed us but because he loved us. God so loved the world so much that, when we went astray, he redeemed us . . . and he did so, not by issuing a decree of pardon from on high, but by sending us his Son to suffer and...Read More
In the communion of the Church, Christ’s life flows into our hearts, bringing us the grace of repentance, coupled with hope, healing, and new life.Read More