So numerous and diverse are the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary that no one can keep track of them all. Some images, of course, have more artistic value than others do.Read More
There is never a time when the Church is not tossed to and fro by the upheavals of culture and history and by the weakness of her crew. Wisely did our Lord predict, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world."Read More
In these days rife with challenge, in these days when so many people are agitated, in these days when God’s judgment upon his Church looms large, yes, I need you, Scott, as my helper, and I need you to be one with your fellow presbyters, my co-workers in the truth, with whom I am privileged...Read More
Technical experts speak about the memory capacity of our electronic devices. As we use them day in and day out, we check to see how much memory is left on our computers, laptops, cellphones, and other smart devices.Read More
Growing up in the 1950’s, I assumed that the Church would never shrink, but instead grow rapidly, as was the case in my hometown, New Albany, Indiana.Read More
It is a joy and privilege for me to preside at this Holy Mass at the end of which the Worthy Supreme Knight will be installed together with the new Supreme Officers, Directors, and State Deputies.Read More
I am happy to join with you and with our new Supreme Knight as he conducts his first State Deputies Meeting. I have known and worked with our new Supreme Knight for many years and I am grateful for the fidelity, vision, and energy he brings to his new and demanding responsibilities.Read More
Msgr. Luca, all of us are here to celebrate your priestly ministry and with all our hearts to express our deepest gratitude for your priestly service.Read More
If we wholeheartedly believe that, at every Mass, we truly partake in the Lord’s sacrifice of love on Calvary, share in the victory of his Resurrection, and consume his true Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity … then the Eucharist moves from the periphery of our life to the center.Read More
John Carroll knew that his new diocese would need a spiritual center, a cathedral, and so he invited his people to contribute what they could to its design and construction.Read More
It’s been far too long since I have joined you here at St. Andrew’s for Sunday Mass, so I am especially happy to be with you today, and to join with you in thanking Fr. Andrew De Fusco for his leadership of your parish family.Read More