...In receiving the Lord in the Eucharist, in having your sins forgiven, in having the love of God poured into your hearts through the Holy Spirit, you own gifts and your own talents are being revealed and unlocked, so that you can and should take an active role in the mission of your parishes and...Read More
To journey together, we must help one another along the way; console one another; and listen together to the wisdom and love of the Holy Spirit.Read More
It is not hard for us to imagine Fr. McGivney’s meditating on this Gospel passage, and learning from the Savior himself how to be a holy, humble, self-effacing priest.Read More
It could even be said that Jesus, in his human nature, learned from St. Joseph what it means to seek out and to do the will of the heavenly Father.Read More
In a word, we are being formed to love as the saints and angels love in heaven. We are being formed so that God the Father can see and love in us what he sees and loves in his Son, Jesus Christ. Read More
Yes, what the world needs now is love and while we Christians may not have the answers to many of life’s problems, we have received from the Lord, in abundance, that love which the world needs.Read More
Both St. Teresa of Calcutta and Bl. Michael McGivney are interceding for us as we enter into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the source and font of our charity.Read More
The path of synodality, journeying together in faith and on mission, is not easy. As this process unfolds, we may become more aware of what divides us. Yet, if we are open to the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of all that Christ taught us, we will find new paths to understanding, to harmony, cooperation,...Read More
The Opening Prayer, or Collect, spoke of Father McGivney’s priestly service in comforting the suffering, the weary, the lonely, and the oppressed. We echo that sentiment in our prayer for Bl. Michael’s canonization when we speak of his charity “to the widow, the orphan, and the outcast,” and refer to him as “an apostle of...Read More
Through Blessed Michael McGivney’s intercession, may we be free of sin and filled with the charity of the heart of Christ who lives and reigns forever and ever!Read More