I thank you, the Knights and Ladies and Families of the Knights of Columbus in Maryland, for your steadfast support, for your witness to the faith, for your works of charity.Read More
No one can lead well or wisely in the Church unless he or she first follows, and learns from the Shepherd who is poor in spirit, pure of heart, humble and self-giving.Read More
For us as Knights, that “higher plane” is summarized in three words: Charity, Unity, and Fraternity – and all that those words mean in the light of the Gospel and in the power of the Holy Spirit.Read More
Astonishing as Jesus’ miracles were and the marvels of medical science are, they are not the last word about our humanity, about our life on this earth.Read More
Let us indeed approach “the throne of mercy” as the Letter to the Hebrews urges, not a throne that is gilt or bejeweled but the throne that is the Cross.Read More
At the conclusion of Mass, we will process with the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of reservation in St. Joseph’s Chapel, there to adore the Lord as the altars are stripped and we share in Jesus’ agony in the Garden.Read More
If Mary--kept free by God’s grace from original and personal sin--if she needed to pray, what about us – who, despite God’s grace, have fallen into sin?Read More
As Christians, we firmly believe that God is not merely an idea or a concept, but he has come to dwell among us; he has taken flesh through the womb of the Virgin Mary.Read More