I. Introduction Let me begin by thanking you, Bishop Libasci, and the Lawyers’ Guild for so kindly inviting me to take part in this annual Red Mass and for the honor and privilege of preaching at it. I am very happy to join in prayer with all of you who are involved in the practice...Read More
As our Church prepares to wrap up its observance of the Year of Faith, I offer these observations on Pope Francis’ encyclical on faith called, “Lumen Fidei”, “The Light of Faith.” Though the encyclical was largely completed by Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, without hesitation, made it his own and issued it under his own...Read More
I. Introduction A few weeks ago, I was about to enter St. Theresa’s Church in Trumbull, Connecticut, for the installation of my successor as Bishop of Bridgeport, when I received an urgent email from my Communications Director here in Baltimore. He said that the Pope had given an interview to America magazine, that it was...Read More
I. Introduction Dear brother Deacons, and dear friends in Christ, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, in which we are all privileged to serve, is distinguished for many reasons. But perhaps the most distinguishing reason of all is that saints have come from this local Church: our brothers and sisters in the Faith who have “fought the...Read More
Worthy Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson, Msgr. Valenzano, Lord Nicholas, Lord Alton, and dear friends in Christ, I. Introduction It is an honor for me and an honor for this local Church to receive here in this Oratory these precious relics: the crucifix of Saint Thomas More, and a relic of Saint Edmund Campion, a...Read More
I. Introduction Two weeks ago, I was lining up with all the other bishops to enter St. Theresa Church in Trumbull, Connecticut, for the installation of my successor as Bishop of Bridgeport when I received an urgent email. It was from my communications director in Baltimore. He said the Pope had given an interview to...Read More
I. Introduction Allow me to thank you most warmly for your kindness in inviting me to address you this evening. In particular, I am grateful to Bishop Walkowiak & Bishop Huley for your warm welcome, together with the kindness I received both from Msgr. Edward Hankiewicz, Moderator of the Grand Rapids Serra Club, and its...Read More
There’s no doubt about it, Pope Francis has captured the attention of the Church and the world. And he is doing this not only by a simplicity and humility that has earned him the nickname, “the world’s parish priest’, but also by taking the Church back to the basics. Through his humble actions and kind...Read More
I. Introduction It is a great joy to visit St. Luke Parish and to celebrate with you its 125th anniversary! So let me begin by wishing you a happy anniversary and by asking God’s abundant blessings upon you and your families. Let me add that, while this is my first visit to St. Luke’s, it...Read More
Last Sunday, our Church celebrated Catechetical Sunday, a time for all Catholics to acknowledge the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry and to honor all who serve the Catholic faithful in a teaching role. The Church began this special observance in 1935 and now it is celebrated each year on the third Sunday in September. This...Read More
I. Introduction Father Hurst, brother priests, seminarians, and dear friends in Christ, in Rome, not far from the Pantheon, there is a church called San Luigi dei Francesi. There is always a crowd in there, converged in front of the side chapel closest to the sanctuary on the left-hand side of the church. That chapel...Read More
I. Introduction I’ve decided to speak this evening for a time on Pope Francis’ new encyclical on faith called, “Lumen Fidei”, “The Light of Faith.” As you may know, it was largely completed by Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Francis, without hesitation, made it his own and issued it under his own name. In a sense,...Read More