No, my father wasn’t famous, but he was my dad. He passed away in 2003. And just like Kelly Conway said of her father, my siblings and I would say, “We knew he would have to leave us someday, but that day came too soon.” Read More
Father Jeff Dauses recently gave the gift of life when he donated a kidney to a woman related to one of his parishioners at St. Andrew by the Bay in Annapolis.Read More
We fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstain from meat on the other Fridays of the season, but it’s not much of a sacrifice to splurge on lobster instead of beef as a Lenten meal.Read More
Catholic Schools Week always serves as a time to reflect upon the many gifts that those institutions give us: a solid education, a deeper faith and lasting friendships.Read More
Many years ago, I read an essay that pointed out that the church – whose head is Christ – must have a dual nature: like Jesus, both divine and human. If the church were not human, it would not be riddled with sinners and all that sin brings into our lives; but if the church...Read More
We cannot simply say, “Have a nice day,” to someone who is clinically depressed, and expect that to change his or her situation. But we can learn to identify warning signs (see box) and get help for those who are hurting.Read More