Cardinal Keeler to dedicate new facility at Our Lady of the Rosary High School

Cardinal William H. Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore will visit Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic High School on Tuesday, September 26 at 9:30 a.m. to officially dedicate the new school year and new facility. The event will include a prayer service, an address by Cardinal Keeler to the school community and an assembly featuring a student presentation highlighting the school’s workplace readiness curriculum, unique among private and public schools in Baltimore. The program should last approximately 45 minutes.

Our Lady of the Rosary High School, previously known as Our Lady of Pompei High School was located at 201 South Conkling St., a facility it shared with Our Lady of Pompei Elementary School. Moving the high school to its new location allows for the expansion of both the elementary and high schools and better accommodations for students and faculty.

Media are invited to attend. Our Lady of the Rosary is located at 420 S. Chester Street in the historic Fells Point area of Baltimore City. For more information, contact Ray Kempisty or Matt Lane at (410) 547-5379.

Sean Caine

Sean Caine is Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Communications

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