Eighth-grade students from De La Salle Blackfeet School in Browning, Montana, traveled to Baltimore two years ago to visit friends at Calvert Hall College High School, Towson. Calvert Hall students have gone to Montana to work with De La Salle’s children and visit a reservation there. (Photo courtesy Calvert Hall)
In this week’s edition of The Catholic Review, there is a mention in our Church Chatter section of Calvert Hall students heading to Montana. The purpose of the trip is to live on a reservation there. The school has had a strong relationship with that community in the past.
Marc Parisi, from the school’s campus ministry, sent this letter to the Calvert Hall community. I thought you’d enjoy it. You can follow the Calvert Hall journey on calverthall.com/montana.
Greetings from the Rez in Browning, Montana–
Last night the guys and I took a 10 minute walk from the bunkhouse where we have been living in all week, across a field, to the old mission church on the Blackfeet reservation. The view of the stars was unbelievable. It was about fourteen degrees below zero though, so we didn’t stand around long to stargaze. At prayer in the old church, I asked the guys to pray for our community back in Baltimore, as I know many of you have been praying for us this week.
If you havn’t gotten a chance to check out the blog, you are missing some great insights from our students. The teachers and staff of De La Salle Blackfeet are always impressed with our students, they are representing you very well. Today I brought Tyler and Taylor over to the public high school to meet some students who have graduated from the Christian Brothers middle school and moved back into the public schools here. Listening to our students share their high school experiences with their Blackfeet peers was really incredible. They even got a chance to do some drumming with them in music class. Our students have such a love for CHC and the things we, as teachers, work hard to instill in them. While our kids had their conversations, I sat with their dean of activities and discipline and talked about their school. It was interesting talking with their deans about all the issues they face with their students. Their teachers face many of the same battles we face as teachers on the east coast with their students, and obviously have some unique challenges with culture, drugs/alcohol, cell phones, and complex family situations. The experiences today were fascinating, but also reminded me why CHC is such a great place to be. The guys’ blog illustrates that thought over and over again. Please join us in prayer and reflection on the blog at www.calverthall.com/montana. Thanks again for your prayers for these students, Brother James, and myself.
Much Peace, Marc