Blue-ribbon committee to hold listening sessions

The Blue Ribbon committee chosen by Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien to develop a strategic plan for the future of the Catholic schools will hold 10 open-floor meetings.

Conducted by the office of Catholic schools planning, the listening sessions will have three focused discussions on Catholic identity, academic excellence, and leadership and stewardship. The sessions will also include a 30-minute session for open discussion.

All meetings will be held from 7 to 9 p.m.

A statement from the archdiocese said: “The committee is very interested in hearing from parents, teachers, staff and all those who have an interest in the future of Catholic education in the archdiocese.”

The meetings will be videotaped and submitted to the entire committee. The address for each session location can be found at the Blue Ribbon Committee’s Web site, The Web site features a public comment section.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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