Black Catholic Ministries Resources

Harambee (Information to come)

Mother Mary Lange, O.S.P.

List of African Saints



Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church – African Americam Affairs (SCAAA) – The Subcommittee on African American Affairs is the official voice of the African American Catholic community. The subcommittee attends the needs and aspirations of African American Catholics in regard to issues of ministry, evangelization, social justice, worship and other areas of concern. The subcommittee also seeks to be a resource for the all the Bishops and the entire Catholic Church in the United States. It aims to articulate the socio-cultural dimension of the African American Catholic community and identify or create resources that would allow for an authentic integration of the richness of the African American Catholic culture and the Catholic Church in the United States. Includes African American Fact Sheet; African American Bishops; National African American Catholic Calendar of Events; National African American Catholic Alert Network; Publications and Videotapes; Stand Up and Speak Out!

In a Word – This site has the monthly publication for and about African American Catholics.

The Church and the Black Community – Pope John Paul II

National Black Catholic Congress, Inc.

What We Have Seen and Heard Pastoral Letter Black Catholic Bishops of the United States




Asante, Kriamu Wesh and Molefi Kete Asante, African Culture – The Rhythms of Unity, Africa World Press Inc. , Trenton, NJ 08609.

Blatnica, Dorothy Ann, At the Altar of their God: African American Catholics in Cleveland 1922-1961 (Studies in African American History and Culture) , 1995.

Carter, Martin J., Why African American , Graymoor Edition, Garrison, NY.

Davis, Cyprian (Editor), Diana L. Hayes (Editor), Taking Down our Harps: Black Catholics in the United States, 1998.

Felder, Cain Hope, Troubling Biblical Waters , Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY 10545.

Hemesath O.S.F., Sister Caroline, Our Black Shepherds (Biographies of the Black Bishops of the United States) Authors of the Pastoral Letter on Evangelization , Josephite Pastoral Center, Washington, DC.

Hyman, Mark, Blacks Who Died for Jesus , Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc., Nashville, TN 37209.

Phelps O.P., Ph.D, Sister Jamie T. (Editor), Black and Catholic: The Challenge and Gift of Black Folk: Contributions of African American Experience and Thought to Catholic Theology, Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, WI, 1997.

MacGregor, Morris J., The Emergence of a Black Catholic Community: St. Augustine’s in Washington, 1999.

McDonogh, Gary Wray, Black and Catholic in Savannah, Georgia, 1993.

Nickels, Marilyn Wenzke, Black Catholic Protest and the Federated Colored Catholics, 1917-1922: Three Perspectives on Racial Justice (The Heritage of American Catholicism).

Stephen, J. Ochs, Desegregating the Altar: The Josephites and the Struggle for Black Priests, 1871-1960, 1993.

Smithson, Sandra O., To Be the Bridge: A Commentary on Black/White Catholicism in America.

Tarry, Ellen Other Toussaint, Pierre Toussaint: Apostle of Old New York, 1998.

The Balm in Gilead – Programs for Parish Implementation, The National Black Catholic Congress, Baltimore, MD 21201.

For the Love of One Another, United States Catholic Conference, Inc. Washington, DC.

U.S. Catholic Historian – The Black Catholic Experience, U.S. Catholic Historical Society, Staten Island, NY 10312.

What We Have Seen and Heard- Essays and Stories from Black Catholics of Baltimore, The Office of African American Catholic Ministries, Archdiocese of Baltimore, Cathedral Press, Baltimore, MD 21203, 2005


Cepress, Celestine, Sr. Thea Bowman, Sister Thea Bowman, Shooting Star: Selected Writings and Speeches, St. Mary’s Press, August 1993.

In Spirit and Truth – Black Catholic Reflections on the Order of Mass, United States Catholic Conference, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.

Plenty Good Room – The Spirit and Truth of African American Catholic Worship, United States Catholic Conference, Inc. (Also in Video Part I & II), Washington, DC. 20005.


Brown, Joseph A., To Stand on the Rock: Meditations on Black Catholic Identity, 1998.

Carter, Harold A., The Prayer Tradition of Black People, Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD 21215.

Here I am, Send Me , United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, Inc., Washington, DC 20005.

The National Black Catholic Pastoral Plan , The National Black Catholic Congress.

Strangers and Sojourners no More , National Black Catholic Congress Lineamenta Summary, May 1990.

What We Have Seen and Heard – A Pastoral Letter of Evangelization from the Black Bishops of the United States , St. Anthony Messenger Press, Cincinnati, OH 45210.


Lead Me, Guide Me. African American Catholic Hymnal , GIA Publication, Inc., Chicago, IL 60638


In a Word , Divine Word Missionaries, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520.


African American Images, 1909 W. 95th Street, Dept. WC, Chicago, IL 60643

The Bible Store, 17 North Eutaw Street, Baltimore, MD 21201

Children of Color Publishing Company, 345 Whitehall Street, S.W. Suite 106, Atlanta, GA 30303

Cokesbury, 1102 N. Rolling Road, Rolling Road Plaza, Baltimore, MD 21228, 410-788-1900

Cokesbury, African American Resource Catalog, 201 Eighth Avenue South, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202-0801

Empack Publishing Company, 212 East Ohio Street, Chicago, IL 60611

Ethnic Communications Outlet, 5342 S. University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60615

Everyone’s Place, African Cultural Center, 1356 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217, 410-728-0877

Great Events Publishing, 135 Dupont Street, P.O. Box 760, Plainview, NY 11803-0760

The Highsmith Company, Inc., W 5527 Highway 106, P.O. Box 800, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0800

Josephite Pastoral Center, 1200 Varnum Street, NE, Washington, DC 20017

Legacy, A Celebration of African American History and Culture, 60 Fifth Avenue, Eighth Floor, New York, NY 10144-0389

Sankofa African & World Bazaar, 2442 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, 410 366-0886

Information about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. for Kids and Teachers

Martin Luther King, Jr.– Celebrating MLK Day at the Holiday Zone includes games, arts & crafts, discussion topics and language activities related to observance

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project– MLK Paper Project includes primary and secondary documents. Contributors include MLK, Jr. Paper Project at Stanford University and the MLK, Jr. Center in Atlanta

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site– Martin Luther King Historic Sites

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