Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar, presented the Archdiocesan Medal of Honor to three parishioners of St. William of York, Baltimore, during a Jan. 7 Mass at the parish concelebrate by Father Martin Demek, pastor.
The recognition is bestowed to clergy, religious and laity for their outstanding service to the archdiocese and their respective parishes or institutions. The medal is imbedded in lucite with the coat of arms of the archdiocese on one side and on the other flames of fire representing the Holy Spirit and the words, “love, service, disciple.”
The recipients are:
William Appelbaum – Mr. Appelbaum has served as a volunteer accountant and bookkeeper for the parish for 10 years, handling the parish bills and providing monthly, quarterly and annual reports. He also serves on the finance committee board. He has been a parishioner for 18 years.
Bettie McGann – Ms. McGann, a convert, has served in St. Williams’ music ministry for many years, working as a cantor, choir member and a member of the Archdiocesan Choir. A parishioner for 40 years, she is the president of St. William’s senior group and a member of the sodality. She has also served on other parish committees and the parish council.
Raymond Cooper –Mr. Cooper has been a parishioner for 55 years. A longtime member of the Holy Name Union as well as the Archdiocesan Holy Name Union, he has been involved with the Respect Life Program – especially the Respect Life Holy Hour. Mr. Cooper has been involved and served on many committees. Currently he serves as one of the parish’s money counters. He also consistently assists as a sacristan and altar server for all funerals.