Be respectful in discourse

Honest discourse is healthy and very much needed in this country. I found several well written articles (CR, Jan. 29) that provided critical, favorable, as well as hopeful opinions of the new president. So consider my dismay and disappointment that The Catholic Review chose to print letters attacking African-American Catholic writers for being inspired by President Obama’s election.

The letters selected for publication exhibit another example of some in the dominant culture insistent on defining what African-Americans should think and how to view our leaders while inflicting narrow-minded views on an historical event that meant so much to millions of descendants of former slaves.

I do not minimize the passion some of the letter writers feel about certain issues; however, even the pope recognized that there is more to Obama the man and his budding presidency than one issue.

We should respectfully disagree and engage in healthy dialogue.

Catholic Review

The Catholic Review is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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