Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic schools will remain closed until May 15

Archdiocese of Baltimore Catholic school campuses will remain closed and remote instruction will continue until at least May 15 as Maryland continues to see an increase in cases of COVID-19, officials said April 17.
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High winds topple Baltimore’s ‘Star of the Sea’ but also uncover a trove of support

When the cross atop the St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church in South Baltimore was damaged in a wind storm this week, disappointment quickly turned to a deep sense of gratitude as the neighborhood rallied to support its church and workers uncovered a long-forgotten time capsule stowed away inside the base of the cross.
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Copy of Archdiocese to livestream display Shroud of Turin on Holy Saturday

With people forced to stay home, even during Holy Week, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the archbishop of Turin has announced a special online exposition of the Shroud of Turin, which many believe is the burial cloth of Jesus.
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Catholic senior living centers learn to adapt amid unprecedented precautions

Baltimore Catholic organizations who run senior housing such as Catholic Charities and Mercy Health Services have taken aggressive steps to keep their residents safe.
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Highlandtown parish heeds the call for much-needed medical supplies

Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of four churches in Baltimore acting as drop-off sites for the Baltimore Health Professionals Mutual Aid Cooperative
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Coronavirus restrictions throw plans for weddings, funerals into disarray

From weddings to baptisms to funerals, the coronavirus pandemic and the social distancing precautions that go with it have thrown solemn and celebratory Catholic services into disarray.
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Westminster priest thinks outside the box as coronavirus closes the confessional

Amid the current coronavirus pandemic that is keeping most people at home and 6 feet apart to prevent the spread of the virus, St. John Church in Westminster has launched a creative solution to deliver the sacrament of reconciliation. Call it curbside confession.
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Mercy fast tracks new intensive care ward amid coronavirus crisis

Mercy Health Services received approval March 18 from the state of Maryland to add an additional 32-bed inpatient acute care unit to its Baltimore hospital to cope with the growing threat of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
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At the forefront of the U.S. response to coronavirus is a devout Baltimore Catholic

As Redfield helps lead the federal response to the growing threat of the coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, his pastor and friends say his years of work studying viruses along with his deep Catholic faith will help guide the country through the crisis.
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Baltimore seminarian returns from Rome as Marylanders prepare for coronavirus threat

Deacon Justin Gough, a Baltimore seminarian studying in Rome, has just returned home after spending the last few weeks amid the serious outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Italy -- an experience that has taught him not to panic but also not to underestimate the threat of Covid-19.
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New Atlanta archbishop has deep roots in Baltimore

Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, a Conventual Franciscan priest tapped by Pope Francis March 5 to lead the Archdiocese of Atlanta, spent the early years of his ministry in the Baltimore area, serving as a religion teacher, guidance counselor and later principal of Archbishop Curley High School in the late 1970s and 1980s.
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Archdiocese to suspend sign of peace, consecrated wine at Masses as coronavirus precautions

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is taking several steps this week to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus as more cases are reported in the United States.
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