Bethlehem holy sites to be closed after COVID-19 reported at hotel

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem urged its faithful to cooperate with the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health, following its order March 5 to close all schools, universities, mosques and churches, including the Church of the Nativity and Shepherd's field.
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For second time in months, CRS forced to cut funding to Gaza

Baltimore-based Catholic Relief Services cut its services to needy people in the Gaza Strip by closing a U.S. government-funded program because of the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act.
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In Holy Land, U.S. bishops say building walls does no good

Building walls, whether between Israel and the Palestinian territories or the United States and Mexico, can only serve to separate people and create more isolation, said Auxiliary Bishop Eusebio L. Elizondo of Seattle.
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Mideast Christian leaders to Trump: Jerusalem move could have dire results

In an open letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, Christian leaders in Jerusalem said U.S. recognition of the city as the capital of Israel could have dire regional consequences.
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Israeli archaeologists think they found lost Roman city of Julias

Israeli archaeologists working on the shores of the Sea of Galilee believe they have uncovered Julias, home of the apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip.
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