Finding healing after tragedy or loss

There is no predictable timing for healing from loss but there are things we can do to help ourselves get through that painful period.
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The Gift of St. Valentine’s Day

The stories surrounding the life of St. Valentine teach us that sacrifice is the ultimate gift that love demands of us.
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Meeting God on holy ground

The revival of interest in the work of Fred Rogers indicates that our society yearns for the culture of respect and love of neighbor that he tried to foster.
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A Catholic Apologist in the NFL

“The most important goal of a single Catholic man is to get his soul to heaven," Zuerlein says, "but the most important goal of a married Catholic man expands to getting not only his own soul to heaven, but also those of his wife and children. It’s almost as if, as a result of the...
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The Eucharist and Christ’s love

Ultimately, adoration opens our hearts to the reality of Christ’s love, empowering us to return to our everyday lives and relationships inspired to follow in his footsteps by making sacrifices and being willing to do what is right for the sake of others.
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In praise of Catholic caregivers

It is important that Catholics remain confident in answering the call to serve while also upholding the beliefs that have been handed down to us by Christ.
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