‘Humanae Vitae’ said rooted in respect church has for human dignity

Fifty years ago, an encyclical was released affirming a long-held teaching of the Catholic Church, yet it became one of the most controversial encyclicals in recent church history.
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At meeting in Florida, U.S. bishops decry Sessions’ asylum decision

The U.S. bishops June 13 decried U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision that asylum seekers fleeing domestic or gang violence cannot find protection in the United States.
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Baltimore woman among Catholic peace activists facing charges after detention at submarine base

Elizabeth McAlister, a 78-year-old peace activist from Jonah House in Baltimore, was among seven Catholic peace activists detained at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia early April 5, hours after entering to protest nuclear weapons.
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With growing student activism on gun violence, will lawmakers act?

This year 34 mass shootings, resulting in 60 deaths and 144 injuries, have been recorded by the online site Gun Violence Archive.
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Cardinal Tagle says everyone has a little migrant in their soul

There's a little bit of migrant in everyone, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, said during a U.S. visit.
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Acts of love, courage are signs of God’s grace in the U.S., Trump says

Acts of love, courage and sacrifice by first responders, parents and children alike are hallmarks of a country that is rooted in prayer and deep faith in God, President Donald Trump told the National Prayer Breakfast.
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Bishops consider plans to revitalize appeal of a Catholic education

The goal is to ensure that Catholic schools will remain a vibrant and important part of family and church life.
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Tax bill passes amid concerns about future effects on poor

Republican lawmakers joined President Donald Trump in cheering passage of the most significant overhaul of the federal tax system in three decades even as the chairman of the U.S. bishops' domestic policy committee called on the president to work with Congress to fix "unacceptable problems" in the law.
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Bishop lays out detailed policies for ‘morally acceptable’ tax reform

The letter called for a reversal of the bill's plan to gradually increase taxes on taxpayers in the lowest income brackets while maintaining tax cuts for higher earners, including the most wealthy.
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U.S. Bishops elect new secretary and chairman of Committee for Religious Liberty

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, was elected over Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki of Milwaukee as chairman of the Committee on Religious Liberty by a 113-86 vote.
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Civility must guide debate on social challenges, USCCB president says

Contemporary challenges are great, but that they can be addressed without anger and with love Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston said in his first address as USCCB president during the bishops' fall general assembly.
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Advocates decry Homeland Security’s TPS decision for Nicaraguans

Immigration advocates decried a Department of Homeland Security decision to end Temporary Protected Status for 2,500 Nicaraguans who have been living in the United States for nearly 20 years.
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