A nationwide third-party system for receiving confidential reports of "certain complaints" against bishops took a step closer to being implemented during the spring general assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.Read More
The path to rebuilding the U.S. church's credibility as it emerges from the lingering clergy sexual abuse scandal rests in embracing the role of laypeople as important collaborators, said the chairman of the National Review Board.Read More
Steps to open avenues for people-to-people diplomacy would go a long way to tamp down tensions between the United States and Iran, said a U.N. representative of Pax Christi International.Read More
A federal magistrate judge denied motions from seven longtime Catholic peacemakers, including a Baltimore woman, to have charges dismissed on religious freedom grounds in connection with their April 2018 protest at an East Coast submarine base.Read More
Amid the pomp and ceremony that marks a military burial, Father Francis Brett was reunited after more than 50 years with his younger priest brother at Arlington National Cemetery.Read More
“I was saddened to learn of the deaths of four employees of Catholic Relief Services who were among the 157 people killed in Sunday’s tragic plane crash in Ethiopia," Archbishop Lori said. "They devoted their lives to the service of others. May God embrace all who lost their lives and may God give consolation to...Read More
Abby Johnson, who early in her career assisted in carrying out abortions, will be among the speakers during the 2019 March for Life rally Jan. 18 on the National Mall in Washington.Read More
Opus Dei, a well-known international Catholic organization, paid $977,000 to settle a sexual misconduct claim in 2005 against a one-time high-profile priest in the nation's capital.Read More
At the urging of the Vatican, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will not vote on two proposals they were to discuss regarding their response to the clergy sex abuse crisis.Read More
Whether the call is from someone who is angry, embarrassed, unsure of what to do or needs a friendly ear, diocesan and eparchial victim assistance coordinators are the face of the church's response to victims of sexual abuse by a church worker -- clergy or otherwise.Read More
Edwins -- short for education wins -- is a venture of Brandon Chrostowski, 38, a no-nonsense, hard-driving entrepreneur who saw a need to help people released from prison. He envisions eventually that Edwins will host the country's best culinary school and provide well-trained chefs and servers to the city's burgeoning local food scene.Read More