Archbishop Hebda urges bishops to give all, show commitment to change

In his homily for the Mass, Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda of St. Paul-Minneapolis, said that providence provided inspirational readings for the day on the appropriate patronal feast of St. Josephat, a 16th-century “brother bishop who gave his life for his sheep.”
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Combat disaster fatigue with compassion

Harden not your heart. Combat disaster fatigue with compassion.
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Archbishop Lori: During Baltimore meeting, U.S. bishops will work to restore trust

Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore said he expects the U.S. bishops to set aside most of their regular agenda for the annual fall meeting here Nov. 12-14. Instead, he thinks the bishops will open their meeting with extended prayer. “I think it’s the most foundational step. We have to take a day of reparation...
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Archdiocese tightens screening requirements to enhance child protection

The Archdiocese of Baltimore is enhancing its requirements for training and background checks for employees, clergy and most volunteers to continue to ensure safe environments for children.
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Learning from our stumbles

It’s time now for those of us in the church to funnel our anger and frustration into helping the victims and the church to heal. The church may have stumbled and fallen along the way when it comes to protecting children and vulnerable adults. God willing, we have learned from our falls and our failures. 
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Nativity parishioner’s lunch means rosary outside Catholic Center

Outside the Catholic Center in downtown Baltimore, across the street from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jen Ayres has prayed the rosary on her lunch hour most weekdays beginning in late August.
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Maryland attorney general will review archdiocesan records related to sexual abuse of children

In a letter sent Sept. 24 to the clergy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Archbishop William E. Lori informed priests and deacons that the archdiocese has been in discussions with Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh about an investigation of records related to the sexual abuse of children.
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Archbishop Lori hears faithful’s concerns about scandals

In the five weeks after a Pennsylvania grand jury released a report detailing allegations of sexual abuse of more than 1,000 minors by 301 priests, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore visited more than a dozen locations in the archdiocese
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I have seen the face of Christ

Many years ago, I read an essay that pointed out that the church – whose head is Christ – must have a dual nature: like Jesus, both divine and human. If the church were not human, it would not be riddled with sinners and all that sin brings into our lives; but if the church...
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Archbishop Lori says allegations open old wounds for abuse victims

Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore acknowledged the renewed pain and anger caused by clergy sexual abuse following the release of a Pennsylvania grand jury report that details some of the actions taken by Cardinal William H. Keeler when he was a bishop in Pennsylvania.
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Archbishop Lori blesses radio station on first anniversary

Archbishop William E. Lori marked the first anniversary of radio station WVTO 92.7 LP-FM by celebrating Mass at St. Benedict Parish, and blessing the radio studio on the second floor of the parish center July 29.
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Archbishop: 50th anniversary of ‘Humanae Vitae’ celebrates human dignity

The 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s landmark encyclical, “Humanae Vitae” (“Of Human Life”), is an occasion “to celebrate and revisit our human dignity, our human nature,” said Archbishop William E. Lori.
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