Parishes plan for reopening

The Archdiocese of Baltimore started Phase I of its reopening plan May 15, allowing churches to be open for private prayer and adoration. Parishes may offer the sacraments of reconciliation and baptism, and funeral and wedding Masses may be held with a limit of 10 attendees.
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Touchpoints with a saint’s life

As we mark the centenary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla, who became St. John Paul II, it caused me to reflect on moments of my life that intersected with the man who was pope for a great chunk of my life and career in Catholic journalism.
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Reports highlight Archdiocese of Baltimore’s efforts to address child sexual abuse

The Archdiocese of Baltimore released a pair of reports May 6 regarding the church’s efforts and activities relating to child sexual abuse in the church. 
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Baltimore Archdiocese announces start dates for Phases I and II of reopening

The Archdiocese of Baltimore announced it will start Phase I of its reopening plan May 15 at 5 p.m., allowing churches to be open for private prayer and adoration. Parishes may offer the sacrament of reconciliation and funeral and wedding Masses may be held with a limit of 10 attendees.
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Archbishop Lori looks forward to reopening churches safely

The Archdiocese of Baltimore released May 12 comprehensive guidelines for Phase I of reopening parishes, along with a video informing parishioners about “What to Expect When You Return to Mass.”
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Archbishop Lori: ‘Good virus’ of Jesus’ resurrection is ‘a contagion of hope’

“Our hold on this life is tenuous,” the archbishop said. “We are not all-powerful, but there is one who is – our risen Lord. In our need, let us turn to him this Easter day.”
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Archbishop marks Holy Thursday and Good Friday via livestream

Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies in the eerily empty Cathedral of Mary our Queen in Homeland in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
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As churches stay closed, Archbishop Lori wants people to ‘celebrate many more Easters’

Archbishop William E. Lori said he wants nothing more than to open wide the doors to churches in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, but that the church has to recognize “the massive public health threat we are facing.”
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Archdiocese provides financial relief to parishes and schools in wake of pandemic

The Archdiocese of Baltimore rolled out a financial relief package for parishes, schools and other organizations worth about $7 million to assist with costs during reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
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Pastors plan different ways to celebrate Holy Week in time of coronavirus

Pastors around the Archdiocese of Baltimore are adapting to celebrating Mass without the presence of the faithful, but several admit that Holy Week this year will be very different as they adjust to continued restrictions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
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