Gender identity workshop highlights church teaching, pastoral response

Presenters at a workshop for parish and archdiocesan leaders regarding “The Catholic Church and Gender Identity” emphasized the need to take every case individually in order to provide pastoral care.
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Time for action on gun violence

“Thoughts and prayers” are an appropriate, initial, compassionate response to any tragedy, including the death of innocents at a concert, church or school. But a solution requires action. And the time for action is now. 
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Living Biblically

If “Living Biblically” can get people thinking and talking about living a life of faith, it might be a good thing, overall. For now, CBS has ordered 13 episodes, and the producers hope it gets picked up for a second season.
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Sen. DeGrange honored at ‘Catholics in Annapolis’ reception

About 300 people from around the state converged Feb. 22 on the capitol for briefings on issues of interest to Catholics before meeting with local legislators.
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Archbishop Lori pens pastoral letter on Martin Luther King Jr., nonviolence

The upcoming 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. prompted Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori to write a pastoral letter on the civil rights leader’s principles of nonviolence.
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Report shows operating surplus for 2017 in Archdiocese of Baltimore

Improvements in the stock market and sound controls on expenses helped the Archdiocese of Baltimore achieve a positive result on the financial report for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2017.
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Archdiocese of Baltimore Review Board provides accountability for victims of abuse

Burkhardt said she has come to respect and rely on the review board, not only to review individual allegations brought before them, but also to help shape archdiocesan policy in the future.
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Archbishop Lori recalls Christmases past, looks back at 2017

Archbishop William E. Lori recalled that midnight Mass was the highlight of the family Christmas celebrations. The parish where he grew up had a particularly beautiful choir that helped make the Mass a memorable event, even as a kid.
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It’s time to talk about gun violence

If we are not distressed by the mass shootings occurring all too frequently around our country, is it any wonder that we are not shocked and distressed by individual killings on the streets of Baltimore?
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Charter, training still aim to protect children

Recent attention on sexual misconduct in Hollywood and politics has highlighted concerns and pain that the Catholic Church has been addressing for decades.
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Director of ‘The Star’ aimed for fresh look at Nativity

Presenting the story of the Nativity from the perspective of the animals allowed the producers and director to see the well-known narrative from fresh eyes. In an interview for the "Catholic Baltimore" radio show, director Timothy Reckart discusses the goals of those who produced the movie, which opens Nov. 17.
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French Catholic school had profound impact

In the early 1700s, Protestant settlers in Maryland had overtaken the Catholic settlers, and made the practice and teaching of the Catholic faith in the colony nearly impossible.
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