Pope Francis has approved revised norms for the Congregation for Saints’ Causes regarding medical consultations on healings alleged to be miracles.Read More
Last week’s Economist included a commentary on “post-truth politics.” Art of the lie asks, “Politicians have always lied. Does it matter if they leave the truth behind entirely?”I’ll let them explain what they mean by post-truth politics:“That politicians sometimes peddle lies is not news. … Dictators and democrats seeking toRead More
What if we kept a mercy journal as we try to delve into practices of mercy? Just a simple little notebook in which we chronicle each effort, and its outcome might focus our attention on mercy.Read More
Grab a chair and your copy of The Abbey for your own personal mini-retreatPopular speaker, bestselling author, and editor at large of America magazine, Father James Martin, SJ, has long delighted us with his commentaries on life and faith through his books, videos, and social media posts.Last Christmas, I putRead More