The Philippine bishops’ conference president has lamented “the slow erosion of Filipino values” as the nation presses on with its war on drugs that has killed thousands.Read More
Cardinal McCarrick spoke of Mother Seton’s dedication to her sons in the Navy, and praised the service of the men and women in the armed forces.Read More
Pope Francis quietly prayed and offered words of consolation to survivors and those assisting in relief efforts after the devastating earthquake in Amatrice.Read More
As a child, I had longed for a dog to walk and play with and call my own. I never dreamed that a dog could teach me so much about love. But she did. And she changed my world.Read More
Catholics who are homosexual, transgender or confused about their sexuality deserve the same attentive pastoral care as anyone else, Pope Francis said.Read More
Pope Francis told the leaders of Azerbaijan religious communities that they share a responsibility to help people grow in faith and tolerance.Read More
Catholics facing difficult political choices must study the issues, pray about the election and then vote according to their consciences, Pope Francis said.Read More
Engaging our powers of reason and our will, natural law pulls us back from the precipice of imagining that there are no “self-evident” truths, nothing fixed, nothing objectively right and wrong.Read More
How I wish those desiring to lead our country could take to heart the message Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda of St. Paul and Minneapolis gave in his address at the August J.S. Paluch vocations seminar.Read More