Committees in House of Delegates hear testimony on same-sex marriage

ANNAPOLIS – Catholic leaders continued their campaign in support of traditional marriage Feb. 10, testifying before members of the House of Delegates against a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland.
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Father Martin’s reflection: “The God of Surprises met me”

I asked the priests in the group to share their some of their reflections on the pilgrimage. Here’s one from Father Martin Burnham. – CG
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Active mind may decrease chances of Alzheimer’s

Dr. Barbara Ensor is hooked on Sudoku, the challenging 9-by-9 grid Japanese brainteaser seemingly everywhere lately in print and online. The challenge of Sudoku is that a number between one and nine can appear only once on each row, in each column and on each 3-by-3 area. The doctor realizes the puzzle is a way...
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