Most expressed hope that Trump would pay attention to their agenda, while others were more decidedly downbeat and still others counseled prayer.Read More
“We send our best wishes to the new president that his administration may truly be fruitful,” said Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis’ top aide.Read More
The Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis is truly all about us – it’s about me, and it’s about you, it’s about a world all in need of God’s mercy.Read More
The other day I posted this woeful little snippet on Facebook, along with an incongruously beautiful photo of fall trees:“This election has left me feeling emotionally exhausted.I know I'm not alone in that. I know that most are ready for it to just be over, already. But I derive noRead More
This past Sunday, the first reading we heard from the second Book of Maccabees, chapter 7, is one that comes up liturgically only once every three years. But it is one of the most inspiring stories to read in all the Scriptures. And though it may not seem so atRead More
This presidential election season hasn’t been much fun. It’s a tense time for our country, with many significant issues at stake, and some of the ones that matter the most aren’t even being discussed.As I follow many conversations about the candidates happening online, and even in person, I find myselfRead More
After celebrating Mass with detainees and people who had been in prison, Pope Francis called on governments to mark the end of the Year of Mercy by extending clemency to deserving inmates.Read More