“Could you please be our candle lighter?” the lady with pale blonde hair before the altar asked.At first, I thought she was talking about the sixth grade boy before me, but then it was clear that she was looking right at me.The lady, who had just introduced herself to theRead More
The morning after screening his film, "Silence," for about 300 Jesuits, the U.S. director Martin Scorsese had a private audience with Pope Francis.Read More
In the wake of the national elections, Catholic News Service is posting a series of columns from leading archbishops on key issues facing the church and the new Trump administration.Read More
Making the GradeIf you ask any teacher what they dislike the most about their job, I can practically guarantee you that the majority would say, “grading.” We’d rather be planning, or teaching, of course, rather than being strapped down to a gradebook, print, electronic, or otherwise.In math and science orRead More
Praying with young children doesn’t have to be intimidating. There are moments throughout the day that can be turned into opportunities to teach little ones about God.Read More
Calling clericalism “one of the most serious illnesses that the church has,” the pope said it also is a violation of the vow and spirit of poverty.Read More
Here we are. Advent has begun. We've entered a time of preparation and prayer and waiting.And there’s the challenge. I have no talent for waiting. I’m a deadline person, so knowing I have to have gifts wrapped and cards sent and decorations up before Dec. 25 is fine. I willRead More
Pope Francis sent a telegram in Spanish to Cuba expressing condolences over the “sad news” of “the death of your dear brother” to Raul Castro, who currently rules the islandRead More