Our baby boy turned 7 over the weekend. Part of me wants time to stop or at least slow down. It’s going way too fast.But another part of me is excited because I know 7. I remember how much I enjoyed his big brother at 7.That was an amazing year,Read More
As you arrive at Mass this Christmas, please join me in resolving to give the Newborn Savior a gift: resolve to bring at least one person back to the practice of faith in the coming year.Read More
We are all going to die. That thought could be construed as morbid, but, fortunately, death is not the end. Soon after our eyes close on this world, they will open again, and we will see Jesus. For death is not the conclusion of our existence, but our first faceRead More
A Swiss bishop has instructed Catholic priests not to give last rites to people suspected of seeking assisted suicide, following a sharp rise in the practice in his country.Read More
If you’re anything like me, one of the things you like most about Christmas is the music. I have it on at home, in my classroom, in my car…pretty much everywhere I go. I love to hear popular hits like “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “Jingle Bell Rock,” and “WhiteRead More
Our 9-year-old could have picked anything for the menu for his “Gotcha Day,” the anniversary of the day we met. When he chose Chinese food, I wasn’t surprised. Chinese food is what we eat when we celebrate our family.But the main course was storytelling.As our sons devoured dumplings and bowlsRead More
“Loving” (Focus), the fact-based story behind a landmark 1967 Supreme Court decision, is so restrained and decorous, that it nearly obscures the historical significance of the events it recounts.Read More
The Catholic Church needs holy, healthy and humble priests and that requires prayers for vocations and the careful selection and training of candidates, said the Congregation for Clergy.Read More