I made the mistake of mentioning that our wonderful friends in Chicago were sending us a package. Now the children simply cannot wait for it to arrive.“How long does it take to get from Chicago to here?”“When do you think they sent it?”“What do you think is inside?”“If it comesRead More
As the state legislature considers for the third successive year legalizing physician-assisted suicide in Maryland, 2017 may see the largest push yet by proponents.Read More
Miracles have been on my mind lately, especially since I spoke with our friend Kate Mahoney about her miracle – documented by the Vatican – that led to the beatification of St. Marianne Cope.Read More
Archbishop William E. Lori joined other Christian religious and charitable leaders from around the world in sending Christmas greetings to listeners of the English Section of Vatican Radio.Read More
The new law gives the Obama administration and the U.S. State Department new tools, resources and training to counter extremism and combat a worldwide escalation of persecution of religious minorities.Read More
It is not as if the Lord is no longer seeking us. Usually, it is we who are hiding from the Lord – hiding behind our busyness and the defenses we’ve built to justify our sins.Read More