The Vatican confirmed its trust in the papal commission investigating the forced resignation of the Order of Malta’s former grand chancellor following a letter by the order’s grand master to discredit the group.Read More
In a gesture of closeness to those who lost loved ones following several devastating earthquakes, Pope Francis baptized 13 babies from central Italy.Read More
The church is immersed in the marketplace of ideas, the modern-day "areopagus" but has a right to be distinctive voice that lives its distinctive vision in a distinctive way.Read More
The three-step process to elect a new prelate for Opus Dei, the predominantly lay organization, will begin Jan. 21 with a consultation involving more than three dozen women leaders.Read More
What is the one thing that every person in the world needs every day? Water. (5-13 gallons of it per day, to be exact.) In the United States, we are blessed to have access to an abundance of clean water for brushing our teeth, washing our clothes, our dishes, ourRead More
Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States Jan. 20. Here is a look at some Catholic connections to past inaugurations.Read More
Yesterday was a big day for political types: President-Elect Donald Trump gave his first press conference since the summer, the U.S. Senate held multiple confirmation hearings for Trump’s nominees to cabinet positions . . . and a little closer to home, the Maryland General Assembly opened its 2017 legislative session.MostRead More