This past week, schools across the Archdiocese of Baltimore have celebrated all of the wonderful things that make Catholic Schools the gold standard for highly academic and deeply spiritual education. It was an honor to observe the occasion with my colleagues, my students, and their families at St. Joan ofRead More
Saying “religious freedom in America has suffered years of unprecedented erosion,” the U.S. Catholic bishops have posted an online letter for Catholics to send to President Donald Trump urging him to sign an executive order promoting religious freedom.Read More
“Spiritual success” is a more accurate measure for the United States than wealth, President Donald Trump in remarks Feb. 2 at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.Read More
“I’m Coach Mac’s brother.”When I introduced myself to Jason Brennan at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland Jan. 19, he carried his Uncle Mark’s crosier and a confused expression.Back in December, I had spent a leisurely morning at the Frederick home of his parents, Paul and Patricia, gatheringRead More
You can lead a boy to homework, but you can’t make him think. Sooner or later, every parent makes this discovery. How then, is a concerned parent going to find the ignition switch that will start the learning engine that lies hidden between the ears of his or her developing child?Read More