The Boy Scouts of America’s new policy to accept members based on their gender identity will have no impact on Scouting units sponsored by the Catholic Church, said the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.Read More
The Catholic Review’s annual survey of cost of attendance among non-public schools in the archdiocese shows again that Catholic high schools are more affordable than all but a handful of their peers.Read More
You were fast and lean and sleek and smart.No other mouse could play the part.You scurried with the speed of light,Zipping past, both left and right.Sometimes you crept without a careAnd sniffed around ’most everywhere.Your paws were white. Your back was gray.We thought you’d never go away.What did you eat?Read More
Another morning is beginning, and I’m making breakfast and packing lunches in the kitchen. I sigh as I try to piece together the lunches. What is it about packing lunches that can be so defeating?As I start cutting strawberries, I hear some bickering begin in the other room.Back and forthRead More