The other day a friend shared his daughter’s wedding video with me. It was extraordinary. Every detail was exquisitely captured, every frame was packed with emotion, and each image showed a couple who were loved and in love.Watching it made me smile—and tear up a little, as weddings always do.Read More
Pope Francis and members of the international Council of Cardinals advising him on church governance discussed the functions of the Vatican tribunals that handle marriage, appeals and indulgences.Read More
The night before Valentine’s Day I looked at the Halloween buckets full of Christmas candy sitting on the kitchen table. Then I threw all the candy away. That’s not a household policy, but we had just been to the dentist, and I was feeling especially motivated.Besides, I knew the Valentine’sRead More
The sexual abuse of children by those who have vowed to serve Christ represents “a diabolical sacrifice” of innocent, defenseless lives, Pope Francis said.Read More