You’re green and sweet and such a dreamFar, far exceeding plain ice cream.With minty sweetness in each sip,You bring sheer joy to every lip.With whipped cream top—green sprinkles, too—You are, indeed, a stunning brew.Your green cascades from dark to light,Within the see-through cup so tight.From whence could come such dazzlingRead More
To love is to will the good of the other as other. It is to break out of the black hole of one’s own self-regard and truly desire what is best for another.Read More
Shortages of priests and rumors about possible female deacons were among the highlights of Pope Francis’ exclusive interview with Germany’s Die Zeit magazine.Read More
A California Catholic high school did away with future car washes and pizza kit sales March 2 after turning a $15,000 investment in Snapchat into at least $24 million.Read More
A couple of weeks ago, The Economist published a commentary called “Sex and science.” Its print edition carried the subtitle, “Ways of making babies without sex are multiplying. History suggests that they should be embraced.”I’m a big fan of The Economist. I love the breadth of issues it covers, IRead More
Every Sunday I see you beginning the marathon that is Mass with a toddler, and the memories come flooding back.You might look at my children, who are 7 and 9, and think I have it easy. And I do. I walk into Mass without a battle plan. But I canRead More
The lead sponsor of the Richard E. Israel and Roger “Pip” Moyer End-of-Life Option Act has withdrawn the bill – which would legalize physician-assisted suicide in Maryland – from consideration in the State Senate.Read More