Attacks on Religious Freedom Still Exist at Home

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” –
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Text of Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks to U.S. bishops

WASHINGTON – Here is the Vatican text of Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks to the U.S. bishops at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception:
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Winter sports all-stars named

The following athletes have been named 2007-2008 winter sports all-stars by the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association
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Archdiocese will inspect all schools and church steeples for earthquake damage

Nolan McCoy, the Director of Facilities and Real Estate for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, has informed Catholic schools that their school buildings will be inspected by structural engineers to assess any possible damage sustained in the Aug. 23 earthquake that shook the Mid-Atlantic region.
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Incorporating exercise leads to healthier outlook for parents

Even before starting a family, Barry and Teresa Stitz led an active lifestyle. Eight years after the birth of the first of their three boys, the St. Joseph, Fullerton, parishioners still make health and fitness a priority in their family.
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Respect Life events planned

In honor of Respect Life Month, parishes and ministries throughout the area are promoting the sanctity of life with special Masses, talks, prayer vigils and outreach during October.
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Keep your cool as temperatures rise

When the summer sun and the thermometer rise, heat-related illness increases, especially for seniors, the very young and people who are overweight, ill, or working or exercising outside. These illnesses can become serious or fatal if not treated, according to the American Red Cross. Heat can affect older adults differently than younger people, and factors...
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Test of faith

Many people ask Father Michael DeAscanis what religious order he is in. “I say I’m not. I’m a diocesan priest, but they don’t know what that means.” Other Catholic verbiage is commonly misused or mixed up, reports the associate pastor of St. Ursula, Parkville. The priest provided The Catholic Review with a sample of eight...
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How to love your wife?

When was the last time you told your wife she is special to you? Author Dr. John R. Buri says you should “tell her clearly, tell her often, and every day is NOT too often.”
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50 ways to celebrate 50!

Whether you are the celebrant of 50 years of life, or the party-tosser for a friend or family member turning 50, here are 50 ideas to celebrate this milestone age, offering parties, gift ideas, activities and more.
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Popes, Power, and World Politics: From Leo XIII to Benedict XVI

Pope Pius IX died in 1878. The longest-reigning pope in history spent the last eight years of his pontificate as the self-styled “prisoner of the Vatican, as the anticlerical forces of Italian reunification had incorporated the ancient Papal States into the new Kingdom of Italy. (Pius had instructed his army to fire one volley, “for...
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“Why do I have to go to Mass?”

In a culture when freedom is supreme, the notion of obligation is repugnant to many, especially when it comes to “freedom of religion.” Nevertheless, obligations surround us: paying bills, faithfulness to spouse, keeping promises are all obligations which we readily recognize.
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