Even before starting a family, Barry and Teresa Stitz led an active lifestyle. Eight years after the birth of the first of their three boys, the St. Joseph, Fullerton, parishioners still make health and fitness a priority in their family.Read More
Knott Scholarship Funds announced the winners of its 2008 scholarship competition, funded by the Marion Burk Knott Scholarship Fund and the Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Scholarship Fund.Read More
The work that is traditionally called “The Acts of the Apostles,” could really be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” In this, his second volume, St. Luke continues to recount “all that Jesus did and taught,” but now he is recounting how Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished his work through his Holy Spirit directing...Read More
“EnCourage” is a support group for relatives and loved ones of individuals with same-sex attraction. It was founded in 1990 with the following official goals:Read More
Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and Kirk Noble Bloodsworth, who converted to the Catholic faith while on death row for a murder conviction that was later overturned, were among 23 men and women appointed to the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment July 10 in Annapolis.Read More
Nolan McCoy, the Director of Facilities and Real Estate for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, has informed Catholic schools that their school buildings will be inspected by structural engineers to assess any possible damage sustained in the Aug. 23 earthquake that shook the Mid-Atlantic region.Read More
A Web site might tout itself as a Catholic Web site, but is it really? Is what’s written there responsible and thoughtful? Or is it the opinion of just one guy sitting in his basement? Perhaps it’s a group with its own agenda. How do you tell?Read More
Catholic school superintendents wrote to Governor Martin J. O’Malley, Dec. 13, asking Maryland’s leader to support initiatives that will help Catholic school families and teachers.Read More
When was the last time you told your wife she is special to you? Author Dr. John R. Buri says you should “tell her clearly, tell her often, and every day is NOT too often.”Read More
Many people ask Father Michael DeAscanis what religious order he is in. “I say I’m not. I’m a diocesan priest, but they don’t know what that means.” Other Catholic verbiage is commonly misused or mixed up, reports the associate pastor of St. Ursula, Parkville. The priest provided The Catholic Review with a sample of eight...Read More