Text of Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks to U.S. bishops

WASHINGTON – Here is the Vatican text of Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks to the U.S. bishops at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception:
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Jump-start your garden with spring maintenance

Gardeners who do a little preparation now will be rewarded in a few weeks with a healthy, vibrant garden.
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Peter and the Call of the Gentiles

The work that is traditionally called “The Acts of the Apostles,” could really be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” In this, his second volume, St. Luke continues to recount “all that Jesus did and taught,” but now he is recounting how Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished his work through his Holy Spirit directing...
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“EnCourage” is a support group for relatives and loved ones of individuals with same-sex attraction. It was founded in 1990 with the following official goals:
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IAAM names basketball all-stars

The Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland named the following athletes from Catholic high schools 2007-2008 basketball all-stars
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Finding faith on the Internet starts with a reliable Web site

A Web site might tout itself as a Catholic Web site, but is it really? Is what’s written there responsible and thoughtful? Or is it the opinion of just one guy sitting in his basement? Perhaps it’s a group with its own agenda. How do you tell?
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How to love your wife?

When was the last time you told your wife she is special to you? Author Dr. John R. Buri says you should “tell her clearly, tell her often, and every day is NOT too often.”
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How do you know if you have postpartum depression?

Feeling blue for several days after giving birth is normal. Yet about 10 percent of women develop postpartum depression, a state of intense feelings of sadness, anxiety and despair that last well past the average baby blues.
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Keep your cool as temperatures rise

When the summer sun and the thermometer rise, heat-related illness increases, especially for seniors, the very young and people who are overweight, ill, or working or exercising outside. These illnesses can become serious or fatal if not treated, according to the American Red Cross. Heat can affect older adults differently than younger people, and factors...
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Prayers for a Healing Economy

Earlier this month, we celebrated Labor Day, a national holiday to honor working people. But for millions of Americans, there has been little cause for celebration.
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Nuclear Weapons and Moral Questions: The Path to Zero

It is an honor and pleasure for me to offer some modest reflections on “Nuclear Weapons and Moral Questions: The Path to Zero.” I am grateful to General Kevin Chilton and the U.S. Strategic Command for hosting this first annual Deterrence Symposium and for inviting me to be part of this impressive gathering.
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Fitness finds its way into parents’ lives

Even before starting a family, Barry and Teresa Stitz led an active lifestyle. Eight years after the birth of the first of their three boys, the St. Joseph, Fullerton, parishioners still make health and fitness a priority in their family.
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