Knott Scholarship Funds announced the winners of its 2008 scholarship competition, funded by the Marion Burk Knott Scholarship Fund and the Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Scholarship Fund.Read More
Since the announcement of my new appointment as pro-grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (and eventual departure from the Archdiocese of Baltimore), there have been many questions asked about how this news impacts my plans and priorities, specifically those related to the reorganization of parishes.Read More
Whether you are the celebrant of 50 years of life, or the party-tosser for a friend or family member turning 50, here are 50 ideas to celebrate this milestone age, offering parties, gift ideas, activities and more.Read More
When the summer sun and the thermometer rise, heat-related illness increases, especially for seniors, the very young and people who are overweight, ill, or working or exercising outside. These illnesses can become serious or fatal if not treated, according to the American Red Cross. Heat can affect older adults differently than younger people, and factors...Read More
In the recent Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Benedict XVI invites us to advance the new evangelization in the context of migration by “seeking ways of fraternal sharing and respectful proclamation, overcoming opposition and nationalism. For their part, the Churches of origin, of transit and those that welcome the migration...Read More
A Web site might tout itself as a Catholic Web site, but is it really? Is what’s written there responsible and thoughtful? Or is it the opinion of just one guy sitting in his basement? Perhaps it’s a group with its own agenda. How do you tell?Read More
Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks with prayer services and other special events Sept. 10-11. Below are some of the highlights.Read More
Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I., says that Catholics must be modern-day missionaries and bring the Gospel of Jesus to an increasingly secular culture.Read More
Students and staff at Mother Seton School, Emmitsburg, will enjoy cooler building temperatures thanks to Jeff Wivell who helped Jake Ford install a replacement air conditioner in the Media Center using a forklift. Mr. Wivell actively volunteers in the school though his childreRead More
Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and Kirk Noble Bloodsworth, who converted to the Catholic faith while on death row for a murder conviction that was later overturned, were among 23 men and women appointed to the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment July 10 in Annapolis.Read More