Beyond the CR pages: Calvert Hall’s Thanksgiving food drive

In this week’s Catholic Review, you’ll see a brief item about Calvert Hall’s annual Thanksgiving food drive, which collected 13,000 pounds of food for a series of local outreaches. The classes from the all-boys Towson high school even turned it into a contest to see who could collect the most cans. Campus minister Marc Parisi...
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Young Catholic urges donation of money

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Rich Halvorson is counting on 10 million Americans to fast with him Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21, and to donate the money they would have spent on food to what he terms “highly efficient” charities. Mr. Halvorson, a 25-year-old Catholic from Boise, Idaho, believes the donations could reach $50 million. The charities he’s...
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Canadian court OKs three-parent family

OTTAWA (CNS) -- Pro-marriage and Catholic groups have called for a federal government study after the Court of Appeal for Ontario recognized three parents for a child living with a lesbian couple.
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Painful Lessons Learned

By any measure, the allegations of child sexual abuse by a former Penn State University football coach – coupled with the failure of those who knew about the abuse to report it to the appropriate civil authorities – is a sad and horrific situation. It is also tragically familiar.
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Prayers come alive for pilgrim travelers

By Christopher Gunty The Catholic Review We say some prayers so quickly, sometimes we get to the end of the prayer and think, “What did I just say?” Prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, if the domestic church is alive and strong, we learned from our parents – or even from...
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Loyola lacrosse player dies

Two weeks after the Loyola University Maryland men’s lacrosse team won the national championship, the program is mourning the death of one of the players.
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Benedictine nun who starred with Elvis returns to film

On Hollywood's red carpet Feb. 26, Black-habited Mother Dolores Hart was wearing something vintage.
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